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Deadly CWD Reaches Outskirts Of Bozeman

December 9, 2020

The Mad Cow Disease of deer arrives
Montana confirms dreaded cousin of Mad Cow detected in Gallatin, Paradise and northern Madison deer. Wyoming, meanwhile, will keep feedgrounds open
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After A Surreal Year Like This, How Do We Center Ourselves Again?

November 26, 2020

John Felsing's painting 'Strange Procession'
For many, Timothy Tate says, gaining '2020 vision' has been traumatic. Let this holiday stretch bring reflection. The best gift you can give: listening
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Will Road "Improvement" Harm A Beloved Corner Of Yellowstone?

October 26, 2020

Yellowstone's Bechler from the air
The Forest Service is upgrading a bumpy old dirt road leading to Yellowstone's magical Bechler. Ecologist Earle Layser says that's not a good thing
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Seek These Personal Adventures That Are Unlike Any Other

October 23, 2020

Want to go grizzly watching in Jackson Hole?
You don't have to travel around the world! MoJo's fundraising auction features extraordinary adventure experiences in Greater Yellowstone's wildlands that will create memories for a lifetime
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Did You Hear About The Griz That Wandered Down Bear Canyon?

October 23, 2020

Griz are only a few miles from downtown Bozeman
Well, not only did it cause a commotion in Bozeman, it's forcing reflection on how human pressure is squeezing the life out of wildlife habitat
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Has 'Collaborative Conservation' Reached Its Limits?

October 5, 2020

Will Teton Valley fill in like Bozeman and southern Jackson?
A veteran rural land use planner says we need a new narrative to save the wild American West and the essence of local communities
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When White People Stopped Indigenous Elk Hunts In Jackson Hole

October 1, 2020

Two Crow riders
Frontier racism and injustice prompted legal action that still ripples across America involving native hunting and fishing rights.  Red Lodge writer John Clayton takes a deep dive
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American Shadowland: How Do We Stop The New Uncivil War?

September 24, 2020

What resides in our national psychic shadow?
As two Americas protest against each other, Timothy Tate in this op-ed says the only remedy is to confront the national shadow we've created. And it starts with each of us looking inward at ourselves
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The Pall Of Our Unrest

September 19, 2020

'Ascent,' a painting by John Felsing
Terry Tempest Williams featured in The New York Times reading her 'obituary for the land.' She implores us: Let it not be true
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Maintaining Forward Progress With The Great Bear

September 15, 2020

What's the next step in this remarkable success story?
Randy Newberg is host of some of the most popular hunting shows on social media in America. He reflects on stalking wapiti in grizzly country and Montana's strategy for guiding bruin conservation
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Soulé's Last Warning: We'll Never 'Develop Our Way' To Better Conservation Outcomes

August 30, 2020

Is this the kind of wildness we want?
The late Michael Soulé, godfather of conservation biology, offered this critique of 'New Conservation" and its consequences for regions like Greater Yellowstone
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TR, The Imperfect President Who Changed The Way A Nation Thinks About Nature

August 21, 2020

On what basis should Roosevelt be judged?
Charlie Quimby reviews David Gessner's new book 'Leave It As It Is: A Journey Through Theodore Roosevelt's American Wilderness'
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The Question That None Of Greater Yellowstone's Conservation Groups Are Willing To Confront

August 7, 2020

Wildlife is what sets the region apart globally
How is industrial-strength outdoor recreation and amenity development better than resource extraction it is replacing?
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A Showdown Over Elk In Paradise?

July 30, 2020

Worries over elk and disease in Paradise Valley
New report illuminates clash between ranchers and disease-carrying elk that has huge implications for a famous Montana valley, migrating wildlife and a scenic corridor to Yellowstone
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