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Weighing new options for Yellowstone bison, NPS records 12,500 comments

October 5, 2023 // NEWS: Dispatch

Bison roam the Lamar Valley in Yellowstone National Park
Deadline for public comment on new bison management plan is Oct. 10
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Finding our MoJo

October 2, 2023

We've heard the call and are gearing up.
As Mountain Journal ramps up coverage, a letter from its Interim Executive Director and Managing Editor
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A 'Greater Yellowstone National Park': Is It So Far-Fetched?

August 8, 2023

A greater version of Yellowstone fit for the 21st century?
To save America's most iconic wildlife ecosystem, two prominent conservationists say in this op-ed that today's epic challenges must be met with grander bolder thinking. If not this, then what?
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Bear Tags As Revenue Generators: How Much Will Wyoming Make Bringing Back Griz Hunt?

July 26, 2023

One of Grizzly 399's original three cubs, 587
One of the arguments states use in pushing for grizzly delisting is bringing back a trophy season to help them recoup money they've spent on bear recovery. Does the premise add up?
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Rick Bass: Let The Yaak Be Another Momentus First In American Conservation

July 25, 2023

A bull moose in the Yaak Valley rainforest
In this guest essay, the writer suggests that protecting old growth trees in the Kootenai could establish Montana as a national reference in confronting climate change
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Who Really Is Footing The Tab For Wildlife Conservation In The West?

July 25, 2023

Who should have biggest sway in determining fate of species
For decades, hunters and anglers have claimed they're the economic bulwarks for protecting species. But is it true? Also: Is it time that outdoor recreation users be asked to pay taxes on gear?
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Montana’s Climate Kids Should Adopt Wildlife As Their Mascot

July 23, 2023

What kind of landscapes are we creating for others to dwell inside?
Citing the state constitution, young people in Montana sued the state over climate change. Win or lose, wildlife conservation would strengthen their case with the public
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What it means to stand at the Crossroads of the West

July 20, 2023

Perception versus reality: The West ain't what you see in old cowboy films
In her latest book, "True West: Myth and Mending on the Far Side of America," Betsy Gaines Quammen takes a deep look into the myths of the West and how we our future lies in the balance
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This ‘Bearish’ Economy Is One Most States Would Love To Have

July 14, 2023

Totems of Greater Yellowstone's "bearish" economy
Often cast as liabilities and villains by politicians, grizzlies and wolves in Yellowstone region are bullish assets that keep delivering dividends—as long as they remain alive
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The World Loses Wildlife Art's Greatest Champion

July 6, 2023

 Bill Kerr, who helped create a global destination for wildlife art in Jackson Hole
Bill Kerr passes at 85. In Jackson Hole, his vision led to creation of the National Museum of Wildlife Art, a shrine for those globally who value connections between art and nature
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In Montana, Four Different Polls Say Citizens Seriously Unhappy About Sprawl

July 5, 2023

Paradise Valley/Park County as interpreted by painter Robert Spannring
North of Yellowstone, no-zoning signs fly like protest flags but residents of beautiful Park County are deeply concerned lack of planning is causing the loss of places they love
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Could Ecological Restoration Be The New Outdoor Recreation?

June 26, 2023

Young restorers give back to a landscape bigger than themselves
By giving back, rather than only taking, we can hold the line in saving wildness and give places new life. Dr. Richard Knight explains how in Writers on the Range
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Headwaters' Report Highlights Downsides Of So-Called Green Lifestyle Economy

June 24, 2023

New glampground along Yellowstone River in Paradise Valley, enabled by weak planning laws in Park County, Montana
Environmentalists often condemn resource extraction, but is the 'natural amenity economy' built on industrial recreation, tourism and real estate sales better for wildlife?
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Do We Need New Maps To Protect Nature Or A New Land-Based 'Mythology'?

June 23, 2023

Livingston, Montana and the apron of protected land around it, but for how long?
Lee Nellis, a longtime planning guru in Greater Yellowstone, responds to Lori Ryker's call for a new blueprint in thinking about development
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