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A Time To Rally: When Ted Turner Gave Jacques Cousteau An End-Of-Life Pep Talk

April 23, 2023 // Conservation, Science

Jacques Cousteau and his prized pupil Ted Turner
Cousteau, once the most famous conservationist in the world, was a father figure to Ted Turner. In old age, Cousteau became cynical. Here's what Turner told him
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Will Yellowstone Eventually Restrict Visitors?

April 20, 2023

Bumper-to-bison-to-bumper traffic in Yellowstone. What's the solution?
Cody Enterprise Publisher John Malmberg looks at ways to solve traffic and crowding in America's first national park
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Big Sky, Montana: A New West Mountain Town Primed For Its Own 'Big Burn'?

April 19, 2023

Where there's smoke there's a big fire brewing
This high-profile resort community is at 'very high risk to wildfire' and an emblem for the dangers of building in the Wildland-Urban Interface. Part 3 in MoJo's ongoing series
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Exploring Peregrinations

April 18, 2023

Defying boundaries: Courtenaye's paintings remind of nature's refusal to be boxed in
As warmer weather puts wildlife on the move, Catherine Courtenaye's new exhibition, 'What the Nighthawk Knows,' reads like evocative maps for thinking about species migrations
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Cranes Remind Us Of A Nature Everlasting

April 18, 2023

Migrations speak to the eternal but human decisions often only to moments
It's Earth Week, and Dorothy Bradley, an esteemed Montana stateswoman, asks: "Can we really look young people in the eye and claim we're securing them a better future?"
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Homing Instinct: Sandhills' Return A Marvel To Behold

April 18, 2023

A pair of sandhills return to their northern haunt
In Greater Yellowstone, America's cradle of wildlife conservation, writer Earle Layser offers this primer on sandhill cranes—another inspirational part of an ecosystem still intact
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Meet Jessica Wiese, Mountain Journal's New Executive Director

April 7, 2023

Jessie brings dynamic combo of love for outdoors, wild places and rural Westerners
With a background in science and private land conservation, Wiese says the time is now to rally for Greater Yellowstone as the region comes under increasing human pressure
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'Huge Mortality': Winterkill Hitting Wildlife In Northern Rockies Hard

April 7, 2023

A bull elk in Yellowstone left haggard by the winter
Grizzlies are out and wildlife is severely stressed. States issue warnings that recreationists need to be smart and, most importantly, respect space of animals or they could perish
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People Beat Machines In Ability To Identify Wildlife

April 5, 2023

A big wildcat on the run: could you ID it in a line up?
Although AI is frighteningly on the rise, study finds human eyesight and brains still hold advantage in recognizing subtle differences between pumas
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The Gray Ghosts Of Change: Can The Grizzly 'Bear Tree' Be Saved?

April 3, 2023

A grizzly on the hunt for food moves through a Northern Rockies forest
The whitebark pine tree is receiving federal protection at same time states are pushing to remove grizzlies from imperiled list. A story about how fate of trees and bears is intertwined 
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When Climate Change Seems Overwhelming, Focus On Local Nature-Based Solutions

March 29, 2023

One of many Greater Yellowstone valleys worth rallying to protect
With a distinguished career advising large business and working internationally, Lara Birkes returned home to Montana. In this op-ed, she identifies reasons to have hope
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Rising Toll Of Yellowstone Bison Killed In Montana Attracts Global Outrage

March 27, 2023

Based on intolerance, bison casualty count continues to rise among Yellowstone bison in Montana
Op-Ed: With one-third of herd gone, Jaedin Medicine Elk—Northern Cheyenne—calls out the slaughter of America's official national land mammal on Yellowstone's front doorstep 
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We Are Transforming Yellowstone And Only Hard Human Choices Will Keep Ecosystem Intact

March 22, 2023

A bull elk near Yellowstone's Fawn Pass Trail
In this guest essay, Lance Olsen notes that our best hope of safeguarding America's first national park and its natural character rests with our species consuming less land. Can we tame our appetite? 
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Are Western Mountain Towns Ready For The Coming Flames?

March 21, 2023

Can't happen here? The Bridger Foothills Fire was Bozeman's WUI wake-up call
Rural sprawl is expanding the "wildland-urban interface." It is elevating the costs and perils of dealing with wildfire, and taxpayers are footing the bill. Part 2 in our ongoing series

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