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Public Land: It's What Sets The American West Apart

November 30, 2022

"Wind River Mountains, Nebraska Territory," 1862, an oil painting by Albert Bierstadt
Writer Dave Marston discusses what he's thankful for as we move from one year to the next Answer: public lands and the wonder they inspire
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How Do We Prevent Wild Greater Yellowstone from Unraveling?

November 29, 2022

Pronghorn migration in Greater Yellowstone
Special report: What can be done to save the Yellowstone ecosystem? If we're serious and want to have a reason for hope, here are several big ideas for how to do it
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Would New Recreation Bill Bring Negative Impacts to Wildlife and Sensitive Public Lands?

November 10, 2022

Packing them in: Jenny Lake in the Tetons has become a symbol of crowding in national parks
It's called the "America's Recreation Act of 2022." Retired Forest Service veteran and MoJo columnist Susan Marsh says building bigger parking lots no answer for crowding problems

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The 'Wild West' Is Finite: Let's Not Consume It All

November 7, 2022

Sandhill cranes delight us—and they rely on our stewardship of habitat
Dorothy Bradley devoted her career to protecting Montana's sense of place. Now, in her twilight years, she says the conquering of nature has got to stop
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Quick! Develop It Fast 'Before Its 'Gone'

November 5, 2022

new potter cartoon
MoJo cartoonist John Potter returns and questions all the talk of natural land being "vacant," "unused," and "just open space"
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Why 'Yellowstone' Rancher John Dutton Says 'Progress' Is Destroying The Wild Rural West

October 27, 2022

The "balance" between private land development and conservation is landing hard on some of America's most famous wildlife populations
The only way Greater Yellowstone, America's most iconic wildlife ecosystem, stands a chance of being saved is if there's a game plan. Glaringly, none now exists
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In Many Mountain Towns, Affordable Shelter Is An Elusive Holy Grail

October 17, 2022

The worker struggles in Durango are present in many Western mountain towns
When no home is affordable, where do longtime locals and essential workers live? How is the problem fixed when 'the free market' fails?
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Citizen Groundswell Rises Up To Keep A Montana Lake Quaint

October 7, 2022

Would an industrial strength outdoor recreation resort 'enhance' Holland Lake?
Utah outdoor adventure company, known for running ski resorts, seeks Forest Service permission to dramatically expand human footprint on Holland Lake 
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When Mountains Tower As Metaphor For Hubris

October 2, 2022 // Forest Service, Jackson Hole

A rural road leading into the Crazies
In Elise Atchison's novel, Crazy Mountain, developers descend, newcomers live behind gates, and locals surrender their heritage. But at what cost?
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'Wild' Horses: Are There 'Too Many' In The West?

September 26, 2022

A wild horse in central Wyoming
Few topics stir more passion. In Writers on the Range, Ted Williams and Scott Beckstead debate wild horse management
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Without Public Lands, 'The West' As We Know It Today Would Not Exist

September 24, 2022

Would America be the cradle of wildlife conservation without Yellowstone?
Every third week of September, National Public Lands Day arrives. A few reflections on why it matters to you
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Mountain Journal Adds Managing Editor To Expand Its Impact

September 23, 2022

MoJo's new ME Joe O'Connor
Joseph T. O'Connor, multimedia veteran in covering the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, joins MoJo team as part of series of big operational moves
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Too Close For Comfort? MoJo's Acclaimed Nature Cartoonist Returns!

September 11, 2022

Here's Johnny
How well can you or your loved ones color between the lines? John Potter wants to know. You could win a new book about how we need to rally to save Yellowstone and America's most iconic, wildlife-rich ecosystem. 
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Finding Gratitude (Amid The Welter Of Not Knowing What To Do)

September 5, 2022

Nature can re-create us
Are you feeling overwhelmed by the threats to wildness? As Susan Marsh reminds, the first step toward preservation is appreciating what's in front of you
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