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A Young Journalist Finds Boot Camp In America's Wildest Ecosystem

June 1, 2020

Lorea Zabaleta ice climbing a frozen water pitch
Lorea Zabaleta grew up hearing about the conservation issues of Greater Yellowstone. Now, as MoJo's summer college intern, she's writing about them
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A Blackfeet Mother Fights For Sacred Mountains

May 29, 2020

Badger-Two Medicine
Kendall Edmo rises to help defend the Badger-Two Medicine from energy development
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30 By 30: Indigenous Communities Taking Lead In Addressing Climate Change, Protecting Wildlife

May 29, 2020

Kendall Edmo defends the Badger-Two Medicine
30 X 30: New report from the Wyss Foundation highlights First Nations leaders in our own back yard and around the world
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A BLM Veteran Expresses Worries His Former Agency Is Losing Its Way

May 27, 2020

Dubois Badlands Wilderness Study Area, Wyoming
Huge implications for the West? In this op-ed Jim Kenna writes about questionable agency allegiances to special interests and spiraling employee morale
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Griz Expert Says 'Mountain Bikes Are A Grave Threat To Bears'

May 26, 2020

A Greater Yellowstone grizzly
When it comes to safeguarding bears, scientists say wilderness-caliber lands, free of riders, are important to bruin persistence and that of other wildland species
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On Getting Unrattled

May 22, 2020

Is there any place to escape the worry of Covid-19?
A psychotherapist confesses his own Covid-19 worries, when even the legendary Mother's Day fly fishing hatch on the Yellowstone River brings no relief
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Saunders, DeOpsomer Bring Experience In Community, Conservation And Business To MoJo

May 21, 2020

Two dynamos: Emilie and Sarah
From childhoods in Alaska and East Anglia, these dynamic women want journalism to play vital role in shaping Greater Yellowstone's future and deepen citizen stakeholdership
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Chasing The Dream: The Impact Of Parents

May 17, 2020

Who wants success more: kids or parents?
As a soccer player in Bozeman, Montana, Eddy Prugh knew his chances of playing D-1 (and going pro) were a long shot. Then he realized he had to leave—the country!
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'Unbroken Wilderness:' Big Sky And The Human Appetite For Consuming Wildness

May 15, 2020

Snow reveals landscape fragmentation at Big Sky
Big Sky is considered one of the biggest environmental challenges in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and its impacts are spilling into the wild Gallatins
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'Unbroken Wilderness:' Some Call The Porcupine And Buffalo Horn 'Holy Land'

May 14, 2020

High above the Buffalo Horn
As animal highways important to Yellowstone Park, Bart Koehler says they are also the Gallatins' beating wild heart—and deserve protection

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To Kill A Migrating Antelope In Wyoming

May 13, 2020

A pronghorn navigating a maze of fences
Franz Camenzind reflects on a premonition he had long ago that provided a lesson in how the straight-lined human world collides with the pathways of wildlife
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‘Unbroken Wilderness:’ The Quest To Save The Wild Gallatins

May 12, 2020

The Gallatins: wilder than most US national parks
For this American mountain range vital to Yellowstone's world-class wildlife, Bart Koehler reflects on why protecting it is one of the most important conservation issues in the West
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'They Still See Us': A New Poem by Lois Red Elk

May 7, 2020

"Many-Drums Moon," a painting by John Potter
The Dakota/Lakota poet writes of walking the paths of the four directions with humility and honor
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One of America's Biggest Wildlife Conservation Issues You Need To Know About

May 6, 2020

The Wild Gallatin Crest
Stretching between Yellowstone National Park and Bozeman, the Gallatins are the only mountains rimming Yellowstone without significant wilderness protection. Will the Forest Service show vision?
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