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To Protect a Section of Precious Land

November 3, 2023 // OPINION: Essay

The spectacular view from the Kelly parcel looking southwest
Why would Wyoming put a wildlife-rich 640-acre land parcel up for auction? Hint: Big money.
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Who Really Is Footing The Tab For Wildlife Conservation In The West?

July 25, 2023

Who should have biggest sway in determining fate of species
For decades, hunters and anglers have claimed they're the economic bulwarks for protecting species. But is it true? Also: Is it time that outdoor recreation users be asked to pay taxes on gear?
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Montana’s Climate Kids Should Adopt Wildlife As Their Mascot

July 23, 2023

What kind of landscapes are we creating for others to dwell inside?
Citing the state constitution, young people in Montana sued the state over climate change. Win or lose, wildlife conservation would strengthen their case with the public
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How Greater Yellowstone Grizzlies Could Be Delisted And Remain Protected

July 18, 2023

A grizzly mother with cubs in Yellowstone
States are pushing hard to remove America's most famous grizzly population from federal protection. The primary reason is obvious. Why aren't we doing the same with bald eagles?
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This ‘Bearish’ Economy Is One Most States Would Love To Have

July 14, 2023

Totems of Greater Yellowstone's "bearish" economy
Often cast as liabilities and villains by politicians, grizzlies and wolves in Yellowstone region are bullish assets that keep delivering dividends—as long as they remain alive
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The World Loses Wildlife Art's Greatest Champion

July 6, 2023

 Bill Kerr, who helped create a global destination for wildlife art in Jackson Hole
Bill Kerr passes at 85. In Jackson Hole, his vision led to creation of the National Museum of Wildlife Art, a shrine for those globally who value connections between art and nature
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Do We Need New Maps To Protect Nature Or A New Land-Based 'Mythology'?

June 23, 2023

Livingston, Montana and the apron of protected land around it, but for how long?
Lee Nellis, a longtime planning guru in Greater Yellowstone, responds to Lori Ryker's call for a new blueprint in thinking about development
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Looking Past The Cliches of 'Western Art'

June 18, 2023

Bill Stockton's portrayal of a sunset
In her new award-winning book 'Montana Modernists,' Michele Corriel declares that artists from the West are so much more than frontier portrayals of cowboys and Indians
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Mountains In Wilderness Don’t Need Hardware

June 13, 2023

Will a new bill in Congress untie parts of the Wilderness Act of 1964?

New legislation could allow rock climbers to install permanent fixtures in Wilderness areas in Greater Yellowstone and nationwide
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In Marley's Memory, He Chooses Survival

June 12, 2023

Orsted credits grizzlies with giving him a reason to live
After suffering the devastating loss of his young daughter, Brad Orsted fell into bleak darkness—then the grizzly-inhabited wild country of Greater Yellowstone led him back into the light
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How A Citizen Is Raising Awareness About Threat Of Grand Targhee Expansion

June 1, 2023

Crepuscular rays over the Tetons from the "quiet side"
Howie Garber’s new book touches on the beauty of wildness through a photographer’s lens
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Why 'Yellowstone' The TV Show Ain't The Real Montana (Or Wyoming, Or The West)

May 31, 2023

Rowland's grandparents' place, the Arbuckle Ranch near Ekalaka, Montana
Montana author Russell Rowland talks about divides shaking the West to its core. They go beyond rural-urban, newcomer-old timer, mountain-prairie and prosperity vs. despair
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Solving the Mystery of Hemingway’s ‘Big Two-Hearted River’

May 26, 2023

Master engraver Chris Wormell was specially commissioned to provide original artwork for the Centennial Edition of "Big Two-Hearted River"
John Maclean’s foreword to Hemingway’s early masterpiece in the recently published ‘Centennial Edition'
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Gianforte Triumphs Again Showing Science Has No Place In Modern World

May 20, 2023

Gianforte on his high horse, er dinosaur
After Montana governor signs bill prohibiting climate change science from factoring in major state decisions, cartoonist John Potter hits back—with satire
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