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What's Our Role In Saving Greater Yellowstone?

March 1, 2021

Migrating elk, one of Greater Yellowstone's wildlife wonders
Every one of us, who feels connected to America's 'wildlife Serengeti,' needs to rally or the wildness we treasure here will be lost
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Situational Truth-Telling in Wyoming And Beyond

February 8, 2021

What really sank the fortunes of coal?
The Week That Is: Sadler and Wilkinson talk Biden's climate plan, Cheney's censure and dismissing science unless it serves one's own political agenda
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John Potter Brings New Nature Cartoon To Mountain Journal

February 3, 2021

Potter and friend in Red Lodge
Each Wednesday, in "It's All Relative," the Montana fine artist will explore issues shaping Greater Yellowstone and the West with sardonic truth
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Beyond Rescue: Do We Really Need Cell Phone Coverage In The Wild Backcountry?

January 20, 2021

One of Yellowstone's remotest corners
As cell towers proliferate, allowing the internet and social media to penetrate remote landscapes, how come the public wasn't asked if it's a good idea? 
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Yellowstone: What Comes Next After The Covid Crush?

January 18, 2021

When wildlife meets tourist warriors
Last year, America's premier nature preserve notched visitor records in the absence of international tourism. Steven Fuller sizes up 2020
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Deadly CWD Reaches Outskirts Of Bozeman

December 9, 2020

The Mad Cow Disease of deer arrives
Montana confirms dreaded cousin of Mad Cow detected in Gallatin, Paradise and northern Madison deer. Wyoming, meanwhile, will keep feedgrounds open
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Yellowstone Primer: America's Inviolate Nature Preserve Forever Under Siege

December 8, 2020

Yellowstone elk fed by hand
As the country's first national park approaches its 150th birthday in 2022, Earle Layser reminds how its magic never gets a rest
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Is High-Flying Bozeman, Montana Losing The Nature Of Its Place?

November 24, 2020

Does Bozeman have the courage to be different?
Analysis: Is this capital city of Greater Yellowstone, along with Gallatin County, becoming the poster children for how not to develop a wild corner of the American Serengeti?
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When White People Stopped Indigenous Elk Hunts In Jackson Hole

October 1, 2020

Two Crow riders
Frontier racism and injustice prompted legal action that still ripples across America involving native hunting and fishing rights.  Red Lodge writer John Clayton takes a deep dive
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Why Wilderness Matters More Than Your Desire To Take It

August 25, 2020

What's rarer: wild places or places to ride?
Patagonia publishes essay from BIKE Magazine contributing editor Michael Ferrentino on our perceived right to ride where we want. Hint: He dismisses it.
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What Does 'Last Best Place' Mean in 2020?

August 20, 2020

How should we deal with loss of place?
Timothy Tate suspects that the famed phrase, coined for Montana by Bill Kittredge and Annick Smith, stands for values now under siege
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Will Washington State Be Next To Ban Wildlife Killing Contests?

August 17, 2020

Coyote derbies award prizes to those who shoot the most
In this op-ed, two sportsmen and conservationists condemn the controversial hunting practice of awarding prizes to those who kill the most animals for fun
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Amid Fever Of A Pandemic, Yellowstone's Main Gateway Town Catches Fire

July 29, 2020

Fire hits Gardiner on Yellowstone's doorstep in July
Gardiner, Montana may be reeling but with this year being its 140th anniversary, a local elected official says it's the perfect time to stage a rally
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Opinion: The Lie—And Shame—Of 'Wildlife Management' In Alaska

July 21, 2020

A black bear with a salmon dinner in Alaska
Renowned nature writer Bill Sherwonit calls out Alaska's push to allegedly bolster big game herds by allowing the killing of bears and wolves, including cubs and pups, in their dens
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