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On Tracy Stone-Manning, Doing Dumb Things In Your 20s And The Game Of 'Gotcha'

August 11, 2021

Tracy Stone-Manning, Biden's nominee to lead BLM
As Biden's nominee to lead the Bureau of Land Management heads toward a vote in the Senate, we reflect in MoJo's 'The Week That Was' on efforts to torpedo her confirmation
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A Yellowstone Wolf-Watching Guide Wonders Aloud: What Century Are We Living In?

August 5, 2021

Montana, Idaho aim to decimate wolves, again
In this op-ed, Phil Knight says that given new laws in Montana and Idaho designed to decimate wolf numbers, it's time to restore federal protection for lobos
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John Heminway: American Master Of Dramatic Earthly Storytelling

June 15, 2021

Heminway on the trail of elephant poachers
From writing for legendary Wyoming outdoorsman Curt Gowdy to exposing elephant ivory poachers on film, John Heminway fights for wildness by telling the truth
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30 X 30: Biden's Bureaucratic Bogeyman Or A Real Plan To Curb Climate Change?

June 7, 2021

Wildlife movement fits into national climate change strategy
Protecting healthy wildlife ecosystems like Greater Yellowstone is a central thrust of strategy. MoJo's Tom Sadler and Todd Wilkinson provide an overview
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Of Nature, Grief And Mending A Broken Heart

May 3, 2021

We're humble but never alone in wildness
In a moving reflection, Susan Marsh writes about losing her husband, dealing with sorrow, government service and trying to rally for the wild things that matter
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Meditations On A Congress Of Owls

April 13, 2021

Three siblings about to face the world
When a pair of Great Horned owls set up nest along a busy road, Tim Crawford was there to photograph—and celebrate—them. Be it human or natural community, he says it's important to give a hoot
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Young Wisdom: How To Be A More Humble, Admirable Funhog

April 4, 2021

Calvin Servheen on a mountain bike ride
Calvin Servheen is passionate about nature. The young outdoor recreationist also believes there's a right, responsible way to respect the backcountry and creatures who live there
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'Bad' Bison Bills In Montana Set Back Conservation of America's Official National Mammal

March 29, 2021

Is Montana setting back bison conservation 100 years?
Wildlife biologist, author and conservationist Jim Bailey sizes up what he calls "the full catastrophe" regarding Montana legislature's backward attitude toward bison. Will the controversial governor make them law?
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A 'Dark Ages' Of Wildlife Management Descends On The West

March 11, 2021

The bad news for bears?
In MoJo's The Week That Is, Wilkinson and Sadler discuss how state legislators are setting back wildlife conservation for griz, wolves and other iconic animals
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Backward Thinking Targets Bears and Wolves

March 7, 2021 // OPINION: Op-ed

Bad old days for grizzlies?
Op-ed: Chris Servheen, longtime national head of grizzly recovery in Lower 48, says Montana, Idaho are degenerating into anti-predator hysteria.
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What's Our Role In Saving Greater Yellowstone?

March 1, 2021

Migrating elk, one of Greater Yellowstone's wildlife wonders
Every one of us, who feels connected to America's 'wildlife Serengeti,' needs to rally or the wildness we treasure here will be lost
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Situational Truth-Telling in Wyoming And Beyond

February 8, 2021

What really sank the fortunes of coal?
The Week That Is: Sadler and Wilkinson talk Biden's climate plan, Cheney's censure and dismissing science unless it serves one's own political agenda
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John Potter Brings New Nature Cartoon To Mountain Journal

February 3, 2021

Potter and friend in Red Lodge
Each Wednesday, in "It's All Relative," the Montana fine artist will explore issues shaping Greater Yellowstone and the West with sardonic truth
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Beyond Rescue: Do We Really Need Cell Phone Coverage In The Wild Backcountry?

January 20, 2021

One of Yellowstone's remotest corners
As cell towers proliferate, allowing the internet and social media to penetrate remote landscapes, how come the public wasn't asked if it's a good idea? 
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