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Howling, To Your Heart's Content

April 3, 2020

Painting title "Van Gogh Never Howled To The Moon."
Westerners aren't singing like Caruso from their balconies; they're greeting each other like a pack of fellow lonesome lobos
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Of God And Guns: How The Sagebrush Rebellion Turned Into A Hotbed Of Armed Modern Radicals

March 24, 2020

A cowboy petroglyph?
In this excerpt from Betsy Gaines Quammen's new book 'American Zion: Cliven Bundy, God & Public Lands in the West,' the author explores how Utah became the center of anti-federalism
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In Home Land

November 28, 2019

Crow leaders in 1881
Long before the Absaroka-Beartooths became a federal wilderness and before Yellowstone was called 'wonderland,'  they were home ground to the Crow. An essay by Shane Doyle
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Up North There's Concern About Skinny Grizzlies And Declining Salmon

November 11, 2019

A coastal grizzly feasts on salmon
Another reminder that all grizzly foods aren't equal. When you lose one, as has been shown in Greater Yellowstone, it can disorder things at an ecosystem level
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Ruckus Over A National Hiking Trail: A MoJo Interview With Writer And Conservationist Rick Bass

June 25, 2019

View of the Yaak Valley
Should the Pacific Northwest Trail be re-routed in the Yaak Valley to insure habitat for an imperiled population of grizzlies remains protected? 
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Big Guns Want 230,000 Acres Of Gallatins Near Yellowstone Protected As Wilderness

May 14, 2019

One wild corner of the Gallatin Range
Founder of Patagonia joins former U.S. Interior Secretary and dozens of eminent scientists who say capital "W" essential to safeguarding wildlife in core of Greater Yellowstone
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Carrying The Banner For Wilderness

May 10, 2019

The Palisades Wilderness Study Area
Wyoming Wilderness Association turns 40 and four dynamic young women are reinvigorating the wilderness spirit when so much is on the line in Greater Yellowstone
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In Hostile Times, Civil Servants Deserve Sympathy, Not Bashing

October 3, 2018

Van Tighem in the Canadian Rockies
Kevin van Tighem, who once served as superintendent in Canada's equivalent of Yellowstone, has harsh words for the deteriorating tenor of social media
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Grizzly Or Black Bear?

July 30, 2018 // Grizzly Bears, Hunting, Wildlife

As Wyoming moves toward its first trophy hunt of grizzlies in 44 years, it's a question that looms large. Is its "test" enough?
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Do You Live In What David Brooks Dubbed 'A Latte Town'?

May 8, 2018

Screenshot taken from 'Pleasantville' movie trailer (New Line Cinema)
The Conservative commentator's remarkable prescience in describing Bobos' quest to dwell in paradise
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A Life In Wonderland

February 23, 2018 // Yellowstone

Yellowstone's legendary "winter keeper" Steven Fuller takes readers on an intimate exploration of the world's first national park. Every few days he serves up a new dispatch here
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An Interlude With Yellowstone's Haunting Mountain Foxes

January 18, 2018

Yellowstone is home to a remnant subspecies of mountain fox.  Photo by Steven Fuller
In a realm known for its big animals, winterkeeper Steve Fuller delights in charismatic mesofauna
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The Undeniable Value of Wolves, Bears, Lions And Coyotes In Battling Disease

December 11, 2017

Photo courtesy NPS / Jacob W. Frank
Part 4 in Mountain Journal's series on Chronic Wasting Disease and the threat it poses to America's wildest ecosystem. By killing predators, are states that still cling to Little Red Riding Hood shooting themselves in the foot?
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To Live Or Die In Bear Country: Counting The Seconds In Your Grizzly Moment Of Truth

October 29, 2017 // Grizzly Bears, Hunting

When seconds matter, are you ready?
Mountain Journal Takes A Deep Dive Into Grizzly Attacks, Bear Spray, And What You Need To Know.  
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