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On Tracy Stone-Manning, Doing Dumb Things In Your 20s And The Game Of 'Gotcha'

August 11, 2021

Tracy Stone-Manning, Biden's nominee to lead BLM
As Biden's nominee to lead the Bureau of Land Management heads toward a vote in the Senate, we reflect in MoJo's 'The Week That Was' on efforts to torpedo her confirmation
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Dear Senator Johnson

July 8, 2021

Maybe the senator ought to come West?
Want to know what cartoonist John Potter thinks about the Wisconsin lawmaker's claim that climate change is a bunch of BS? As the West scorches, Potter offers a reply
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A 'Dark Ages' Of Wildlife Management Descends On The West

March 11, 2021

The bad news for bears?
In MoJo's The Week That Is, Wilkinson and Sadler discuss how state legislators are setting back wildlife conservation for griz, wolves and other iconic animals
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Will Deb Haaland Make History Or Be Stonewalled?

February 22, 2021

Deb Haaland of New Mexico and Laguna Pueblo
In The Week That Is, Wilkinson and Sadler talk Interior Secretaries going back to the controversial tenure of Sagebrush Rebel James Watt of Wyoming
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What Does River Conservation Really Mean?

February 16, 2021

"In the Stillness of Dawn," a painting by Brent Cotton
The Week That Is: If you ask river protectors you're likely to get different answers. Is growing recreation pressure a problem?
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In Wyoming, Will Liz Hold The Upper Hand?

February 1, 2021

Cheney asks: loyalty to Trump or country?
The Week That Is: Sadler and Wilkinson talk the fate of Cheney, fractures in GOP and Trump's attempt to turn Wyoming against her
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Meet Tom Sadler, MoJo's Correspondent In The US Capital City

January 21, 2021

Tom Sadler in his element
Monitoring what's happening in Washington DC has never been more important for policies shaping Greater Yellowstone and the West
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For Real Patriots, Truth Must Trump Hate

January 12, 2021

Washington in statue looks at the Rotunda dome
The words of former US Senator Al Simpson ring wiser after America's citadel was sacked
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Should Park Landmarks Honor People of Infamy?

December 30, 2020

Ranger Peak in foreground, Mt. Doane in distance.
Gustavus Doane, who participated in Marias Massacre of more than 200 Blackfeet, has summits named after him in Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks
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Deadly CWD Reaches Outskirts Of Bozeman

December 9, 2020

The Mad Cow Disease of deer arrives
Montana confirms dreaded cousin of Mad Cow detected in Gallatin, Paradise and northern Madison deer. Wyoming, meanwhile, will keep feedgrounds open
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American Shadowland: How Do We Stop The New Uncivil War?

September 24, 2020

What resides in our national psychic shadow?
As two Americas protest against each other, Timothy Tate in this op-ed says the only remedy is to confront the national shadow we've created. And it starts with each of us looking inward at ourselves
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A Showdown Over Elk In Paradise?

July 30, 2020

Worries over elk and disease in Paradise Valley
New report illuminates clash between ranchers and disease-carrying elk that has huge implications for a famous Montana valley, migrating wildlife and a scenic corridor to Yellowstone
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Why A District Ranger Became Disgruntled With The US Forest Service

June 9, 2020

Looking into the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness
Hank Rate remembers when the Custer-Gallatin National Forest stalled wilderness protection and abandoned conservation in favor of getting the cut out
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Paying Forward A Wild Mountain: Perspective Of A Seasoned Montana Leader

June 7, 2020

The snowclad Gallatins rise over Paradise Valley
Dorothy Bradley says wilderness campaign for Gallatin Range deserves better than Gallatin Forest Partnership offers. She says Forest Service needs to have bigger vision too.
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