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Matho's Message And The Enduring Spirit of Bear Nation

May 9, 2021

Grizzly Mother 399 and four cubs swim the Snake
Lois Red Elk shares a brand new poem inspired by the journey of Jackson Hole Grizzly 399, an enduring symbol of motherhood and sentience in the world
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Are There Enough Park Rangers To Go Around?

May 5, 2021

Rangers on the front lines of crushing visitation
With record crowds poised to descend on Yellowstone and Grand Teton, cartoonist John Potter laments how rangers every year have to do more with less
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Of Nature, Grief And Mending A Broken Heart

May 3, 2021

We're humble but never alone in wildness
In a moving reflection, Susan Marsh writes about losing her husband, dealing with sorrow, government service and trying to rally for the wild things that matter
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Is 'Wildland Conservation' That Does Not Emphasize Wildlife Really Conservation?

April 28, 2021

Well-known artists, writers fill volume edited by Katie Christiansen
Delightful new 'Artist's Field Guide To Yellowstone' offers inspiring reasons to care about protecting wildlife in Lower 48's famous bioregion 

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The Adventures Of Modern Conquistadors

April 21, 2021

Sharing intel for fame and glory
MoJo cartoonist John Potter laments how social media and the egos of human 'explorers' are sullying the last best wild places
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Can Sprawl Be Tamed To Protect Wildlife And Ag Lands? Liberty Says Yes, But....

April 15, 2021

For elk, the southern Gallatin Valley is an obstacle course
In Part 2 of MoJo's interview with national planning guru Robert Liberty, we discuss urban growth boundaries. How might they work in Greater Yellowstone?
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'To Reach The Spring' Is A Wake Up Call For Ecosystem And Planet

April 15, 2021

What do we take away from an Old Faithful eruption?
Charlie Quimby reviews Nathaniel Popkin's thought-provoking new book which asks: How and why are we programmed to gluttonously consume Earth's resources, including wildness?
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Will Jackson Hole Grizzly 399—And Four Cubs— Emerge From The Den At 25?

April 14, 2021

She never asked to be a star
MoJo cartoonist John Potter reminds: As the whole world waits, let's not forget what it's like for this venerable bear mama, a quarter century old,  whose own greatest threat is....humans behaving badly
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Meditations On A Congress Of Owls

April 13, 2021

Three siblings about to face the world
When a pair of Great Horned owls set up nest along a busy road, Tim Crawford was there to photograph—and celebrate—them. Be it human or natural community, he says it's important to give a hoot
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Pondering Climate Change In A Red State Already Known For Its Melting Glaciers

April 11, 2021

Sperry Glacier in retreat in Glacier National Park
Even when state leadership is lacking, scientists say in this op-ed, progress can still be made in confronting impacts by focussing on local issues with local expertise
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What Toll On Wildness When Humans Want It All?

April 7, 2021

A peak encounter between local and visitor
MoJo's The Week That Is: When it comes to recreational impacts, we have to look ourselves in the mirror—and that's probably why we deny we are displacing wildlife
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Nature's Liquidation—When Treated Only As Tradable Commodity

April 7, 2021

What happens when wildness is valued only for money?
Buy Now! Everything for sale! Get it now before it's gone. MoJo cartoonist John Potter explores knowing price of everything but value of nothing
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The Grounding Ways Of Rituals In Nature

April 6, 2021

Being mindful is not typically a team sport
We've all been squeezed into tinier mental spaces by Covid. Timothy Tate says we can find center again by letting ourselves be vulnerable to quiet re-connection
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A Spring Prayer For Magazu

April 5, 2021

Waiting, yearning for the rains to come
From Fort Peck, Montana, Lois Red Elk assesses the dry winter and pens a poem hoping prairie rain will soon be in sight
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