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Yellowstone Investigates Illegal Release of 52 Park Bison From Quarantine

January 17, 2018 // Bison, Yellowstone

Yellowstone bison, photo by Jim Peaco/NPS
Park officials say criminal trespass undermines effort to get animals transplanted on native reservations
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The Story Of A River Otter Found Dead In A Snare

January 15, 2018

Photo credit: Dmitry Azovtsev,
Wyoming naturalist Susan Marsh says it's high time that society had an adult conversation about the real impacts of fur trapping
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Out His Picture Window A Glimpse Into The Post-Holocene

January 10, 2018 // Yellowstone

Dawn arrives with a bison literally on Steven Fuller's doorstep at Canyon;  beyond, in the distance, the start of Hayden Valley. Photo by Steven Fuller
Every day, Yellowstone winterkeeper Steven Fuller shares space with survivors from the Ice Age
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Montana's Three Amigos Are Stars In Trump's Radical Anti-Environmental Agenda

January 9, 2018 // Public Lands

 Steve Daines, Ryan Zinke and Greg Gianforte
As the 2018 Outdoor Retailer Show opens in Denver, columnist Tim Crawford warns against giving away federal Western lands
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Beholding The Golden Green Goose That Hatched One Of The Richest Counties in America

January 2, 2018

Moulton Barn in Grand Teton National Park, Photo courtesy National Park Service
Teton County, Wyo. Commissioner Mark Newcomb examines the cost—and dividends— of protecting a wild American ecosystem
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Of Coke Bottle Glasses, Diapauses And Hope For Brighter Days

January 1, 2018

Original photo by Pat Clayton (
An angling guru's wish: Let us all develop extra-sensory perception—and greater empathy— in 2018
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Speaking The Ancient Lexicon Of North America

January 1, 2018 // Culture

Salish cedar root basket, image courtesy Burke Museum (
In two poems for the new year, Lois Red Elk offers MoJo readers the chance to expand their human vocabulary
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Trading Away Wildness For Oil And Tax Breaks

December 26, 2017 // Opinion, Public Lands

Caribou in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
A respected Wyoming conservationist schools a U.S. senator after he votes to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to energy development
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Let Heaven And Nature Sing: Merry Christmas From Mountain Journal

December 24, 2017

An Elk Antler Arch At Christmas, Jackson, Wyoming, painting by Sue Cedarholm
At Yuletide, Sue Cedarholm paints a glowing elk antler archway in Jackson, Wyoming's downtown square 
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Beholding Creation: Counting Birds At Christmas

December 23, 2017 // Culture, Wildlife

Chickadee Photo courtesy NPS
MoJo's Intrepid Nature Columnist Susan Marsh Carries On A Grand American Holiday Tradition
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Wenk: Tell People What They Need To Hear, Not What They Want To Hear

December 18, 2017 // Leadership, Yellowstone

Yellowstone Supt. Dan Wenk (photo courtesy National Park Service)
In speech at MSU, Yellowstone Park Supt. Dan Wenk issues a challenge saying time to save the ecosystem is now 
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The Killing Fields Await Yellowstone Bison Once Again In Montana

December 15, 2017 // Yellowstone

More than 10,000 Yellowstone bison have been killed based on a faulty premise. Like the worry over Chronic Wasting Disease, this controversy has connections to Wyoming's feedgrounds
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The Undeniable Value of Wolves, Bears, Lions And Coyotes In Battling Disease

December 11, 2017

Photo courtesy NPS / Jacob W. Frank
Part 4 in Mountain Journal's series on Chronic Wasting Disease and the threat it poses to America's wildest ecosystem. By killing predators, are states that still cling to Little Red Riding Hood shooting themselves in the foot?
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Poems About Mato And The Power Of Bear Medicine

December 3, 2017 // Culture, Public Lands, Wildlife

"Bear", a sculpture by Haida carver William Ronald Reid Jr. (1920-1998) at the University of British Columbia Museum of Anthropology. Image courtesy Wikipedia
Perfect for the approaching solstice, MoJo Poet In Residence Lois Red Elk shares two works about how a great nation and a beloved elder dream of bruins
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