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Deadly CWD Reaches Outskirts Of Bozeman

December 9, 2020

The Mad Cow Disease of deer arrives
Montana confirms dreaded cousin of Mad Cow detected in Gallatin, Paradise and northern Madison deer. Wyoming, meanwhile, will keep feedgrounds open
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Yellowstone Primer: America's Inviolate Nature Preserve Forever Under Siege

December 8, 2020

Yellowstone elk fed by hand
As the country's first national park approaches its 150th birthday in 2022, Earle Layser reminds how its magic never gets a rest
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A Crow Suggests How The Crazies Should Remain Wild And Sacred

December 7, 2020

High peaks of the Crazy Mountains
In his op-ed, Apsaalooke tribal member and scholar Shane Doyle asks Forest Service to tighten up protections and forbid expansion of proposed mountain biking trails
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How The Wild World Gives Me Solace

December 3, 2020

A red fox in the Hayden
During the pandemic, Americans ready or not have poured into public lands. But what does escape mean for a seasoned wanderer?
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Earth Medicine: A Poem From Indian Country

November 26, 2020

It's time to offer prayers for elder healing
Lois Red Elk, an elder at Fort Peck, worries about friends in her community as Covid bears down. Right now, generations are coming together in healing prayers
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After A Surreal Year Like This, How Do We Center Ourselves Again?

November 26, 2020

John Felsing's painting 'Strange Procession'
For many, Timothy Tate says, gaining '2020 vision' has been traumatic. Let this holiday stretch bring reflection. The best gift you can give: listening
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Is High-Flying Bozeman, Montana Losing The Nature Of Its Place?

November 24, 2020

Does Bozeman have the courage to be different?
Analysis: Is this capital city of Greater Yellowstone, along with Gallatin County, becoming the poster children for how not to develop a wild corner of the American Serengeti?
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Ties Uniting People, Communities And Nature

November 6, 2020

The Ruby River Valley in western Montana
The High Divide region of the Northern Rockies serves as a lens for thinking about the survival of communities and conservation in the struggling rural West
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Griz 399 And Cubs Pay A Harrowing Visit To The Jackson Hole Suburbs

October 28, 2020

Getting big fast: 399 and cubs
Bruin mama, considered most famous in the world, ventures into a danger zone, leaving human fans on pins and needles
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Will Road "Improvement" Harm A Beloved Corner Of Yellowstone?

October 26, 2020

Yellowstone's Bechler from the air
The Forest Service is upgrading a bumpy old dirt road leading to Yellowstone's magical Bechler. Ecologist Earle Layser says that's not a good thing
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Seek These Personal Adventures That Are Unlike Any Other

October 23, 2020

Want to go grizzly watching in Jackson Hole?
You don't have to travel around the world! MoJo's fundraising auction features extraordinary adventure experiences in Greater Yellowstone's wildlands that will create memories for a lifetime
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Did You Hear About The Griz That Wandered Down Bear Canyon?

October 23, 2020

Griz are only a few miles from downtown Bozeman
Well, not only did it cause a commotion in Bozeman, it's forcing reflection on how human pressure is squeezing the life out of wildlife habitat
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A Montana Judge Ousts The Nation's Public Lands Chief. Now What?

October 23, 2020

The Uncompahgre Plateau
Some want his decisions tossed, too. William Perry Pendley's "acting" status as Bureau of Land Management head calls into question rulings on monuments, drilling and wildlife conservation
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An Influential Voice In US Flyfishing Decries 'Rivergeddon 2020'

October 20, 2020

Who is coming to the defense of nature?
Sure, covid has caused a crush of anglers to descend on trout waters but Kirk Deeter says too much, even when it generates commerce, isn't good for nature or the experiences we treasure
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