Howie Garber’s new book touches on the beauty of wildness
through a photographer’s lens
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Why 'Yellowstone' The TV Show Ain't The Real Montana (Or Wyoming, Or The West)
May 31, 2023

Montana author Russell Rowland talks about divides shaking the West to its core. They go beyond rural-urban, newcomer-old timer, mountain-prairie and prosperity vs. despair
Read MoreMontana's Flaring White Nationalism Prominent In New Ray Ring Novel
May 23, 2023

Former journalist who worked for High Country News in Bozeman, unfurls a murder mystery that flows from the gridiron of college football and interracial relationship
Read MoreFinding Greater Yellowstone ‘Magic’ On A Rocky Ridge
May 21, 2023

Wanting to name
the priceless landmarks she visits in Greater Yellowstone’s great outdoors, MoJo
columnist Susan Marsh explores the power behind magical places
Famous Jackson Hole Grizzly 399 Wows Again, But Now What?
May 18, 2023

Emerging with her 18th cub as part of a historic legendary life, 399 is 27, long in the tooth and still transforming our perceptions of grizzlies. Now it's our turn to be on best behavior
Read MoreIn The Light Of A Campfire, People And Wolf As Original Brothers/Sisters
May 16, 2023

In John Potter's painting, 'A Private Conversation,' the artist shares the Anishinaabe origin story of how Creator told humans and wolves their fates were forever intertwined
Read MoreRemember, You Matter: Support Your Community Through 'Give Big'
May 2, 2023

MoJo interviews Jill Ellwood with One Valley Community Foundation about Give Big's history and unprecedented success
Read MoreBig Sky, Montana: A New West Mountain Town Primed For Its Own 'Big Burn'?
April 19, 2023

This high-profile resort community is at 'very high risk to wildfire' and an emblem for the dangers of building in the Wildland-Urban Interface. Part 3 in MoJo's ongoing series
Exploring Peregrinations
April 18, 2023

As warmer weather puts wildlife on the move, Catherine Courtenaye's new exhibition, 'What the Nighthawk Knows,' reads like evocative maps for thinking about species migrations
Read MoreMeet Jessica Wiese, Mountain Journal's New Executive Director
April 7, 2023

With a background in science and private land conservation, Wiese says the time is now to rally for Greater Yellowstone as the region comes under increasing human pressure
Read MoreIn Jackson Hole, Good News About CWD—For Now
March 5, 2023

Senior biologist with National Elk Refuge says Chronic Wasting Disease hasn't shown up there yet. But any sense of solace is probably short lived
Read MoreMontana, In The Wake Of 'Yellowstone' and 'A River Runs Through It'
February 27, 2023

Thirty years after Norman Maclean's novella was brought to big screen, many are lamenting how it, and the TV melodrama 'Yellowstone' have fueled an inundation of western Montana
Read MoreKissing The 'Quieter Side' Of The Tetons Goodbye?
February 27, 2023

Will Grand Targhee Resort expansion put Teton Valley, Idaho on course to become a doppelgänger of Big Sky? A county commissioner voices her concerns
Read MoreThe Big Picture: Pondering Greater Yellowstone's 'Elephants In The Room'
February 17, 2023

Test your ability to detect subtle changes that often seem invisible. Then apply your newfound insight to thinking about Greater Yellowstone's rapid transformation