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Beauty As Antidote For Living In Heavy Times

December 20, 2019

Sinopah, crown jewel of the Two Medicine area
For painter Barbara Rusmore, the restorative power of nature is a catalyst for art and advocacy
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In The End, It's What You Give Of Yourself That Matters Most

December 4, 2019

A hiker admires misty sun rays in a Yellowstone forest
Writer Susan Marsh marks the passage of this year, reflecting on having "enough," advocacy and exuding gratitude
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High Living For Whom In America's Quarter Million Dollar County?

December 1, 2019

Welcome to the richest county in America
What if the average per capita local income was $250,000? In Teton County, Wyoming, it's true, but you know what they say about statistics, eh
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A Grand New Book Honors One Of The Mightiest Places In The American West

November 28, 2019

A book to take your breath away
'Voices of Yellowstone's Capstone: A Narrative Atlas of the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness' is a must-have trove of words pictures and maps
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Millennial Tapped To Lead Major Greater Yellowstone-Based Research Group

November 24, 2019

Ben Williamson
Ben Williamson of the Northern Rockies Conservation Cooperative has ideas that challenge the way his elders have approached conservation. Read the MoJo interview
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Big Green Mike: Now You Can Also Call Him Dr. Clark

November 22, 2019

Mike Clark
Former head of Greater Yellowstone Coalition and current MoJo board member Mike Clark to receive honorary doctorate from MSU
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Close Encounters Of The Avian Kind

November 21, 2019

Mountain bluebird
As Phil Knight writes, human-animal curiosity and contact extends both ways
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Salmon: A Debate Over Dams And The Cause Of A Great Fish's Decline

November 21, 2019

Salmon: are we sanctioning their extinction?
Pacific Northwest salmon populations are collapsing. What is the best way to resuscitate them? Two experts debate.
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Making Contact With Richard Louv: How Animals Save And Heal Us

November 10, 2019

Grizzly clan fording a stream
"Our Wild Calling," the new "game-changing" book by Richard Louv, explores why our connection with other species is good for society, our mental health and the wild places that matter to us
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Have You Heard The Tales Of A Trickster Spider And Porcupine?

November 7, 2019

A porcupine's spirit lives on
In this season of transition, Lois Red Elk reminds how humankind is reflected in the stories of wamakhashka
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When E in Environmentalist Stands For Empathy

October 21, 2019

Photo courtesy Glacier NPS
MoJo columnist Jordan Payne says righteousness alone won't convince young people to support landscape protection
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If The Challenges Facing Jackson Hole Can't Be Fixed, Then What's The Fate Of Greater Yellowstone?

October 14, 2019

Looking northward toward the Tetons
Will "collaboration as usual" save America's most iconic ecosystem or it is time for new leaders touting a braver new vision?
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Greta Thunberg And America's Dark Shadows Of Denial With Climate Change

October 13, 2019

Photo courtesy Anders Helberg, altered by MoJo staff.
When adults see the young Swede, Timothy Tate says, they catch a glimpse of their own childrens' anger staring back from the future
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Standing Rock Reflections: What Is Progress?

October 6, 2019

Lois Red Elk and husband Dennis Reed
Lois Red Elk writes about protest and the tormented ghost of a soldier who helped take her homeland
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