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The War Veteran Who Had A Dream—In Which He Was Visited By A Midget

February 21, 2019 // Community, Community Change

A soldier copes with a bad dream
By courting the images that come to us during sleep and drawing upon their messages, our dreams within can help us achieve more meaningful, peaceful outer lives
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Why More Heat Means The End Of The Predictable World As We Know It

February 13, 2019

Warming is being hastened by feedback loops
By not confronting the causes of climate change, we're setting ourselves up for huge economic and ecological impacts. A comprehensive analysis by Lance Olsen on this and the Green New Deal
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So Help Us God: When Faith Is Used As A Blunt Weapon

February 6, 2019

U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming
With climate change, public land issues and other important matters before House Resources Committee, will lawmakers swear to God that they'll be seeking the truth?
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The Artful Angler

January 23, 2019

Mike Gurnett and giant fly
Life after government: Mike Gurnett celebrates wildlife in metal after being a spokesman for the natural world         
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Robert T. Fanning, America's Premier Wolf Doomsayer, Passes On

January 7, 2019 // The New West, Wolves

Robert T. Fanning (1949-2018)
Former Chicago businessman moved to Montana to hunt big game and enjoyed fame as a hater of lobos
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A Death Of Ethics: Is Hunting Destroying Itself?

December 12, 2018 // Hunting, Wildlife

Coyote taken in Wyoming hunt
From killing baboon families to staging predator-killing contests, hunters stand accused of violating the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation. Now they’re being called out by their own.
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Did Two Montana Politicians Get Lost In Their Search For 'Honest Truth' With Public Land?

November 4, 2018

  Matt Rosendale's tweet
In their Paradise Valley photo op, Steve Daines and Senate hopeful Matt Rosendale appear to have trouble knowing the difference between private and public tracts
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Learning, To Care Deeply For Mother Nature

August 14, 2018 // Centennial Valley, Environmental Education

The Centennial Mountains of Montana
In Montana's Centennial Valley, the Taft-Nicholson Center opens minds for life by immersing students in the wild unknown

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How A Gutsy Newspaper Helped Save The Natural Essence Of Jackson Hole

August 3, 2018 // Community, Community Change, Conservation, Grand Teton National Park, Jackson Hole, Media, The New West

The heart of Jackson Hole, protected.
Grand Teton National Park, as we know it today, might not exist were it nor for truth-demanding media battling against real fake news
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A Hunger For Solitude During Visitor Season

June 27, 2018 // Grizzly Bears, Jackson Hole, Wilderness, Wyoming

After the guests depart, Susan Marsh savors a wild Snake and charismatic megafauna
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Traps Of Our Own Making: Climate Change, Blame And Denial

June 10, 2018

Will coal soon rise from its deathbed?
Lance Olsen lays out the undeniable scientific evidence that elected officials cannot ignore
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What Would The Muries Say About Recreation, Conservation And Wildness?

April 10, 2018

Aldo Leopold and Olaus Murie
Martin Murie answered the question. The late son of Olaus and Mardy Murie penned this piece only a few months before he died in 2012.
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Riding The Unwild Roar In Yellowstone

March 21, 2018

Snowmobilers in Yellowstone
A winterkeeper explores his relationship with America's oldest national park via snowmobile
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For Yellowstone And America, Climate Change Brings Our Moment Of Truth

March 20, 2018

The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem sits at the epicenter of a huge disruption from rising temperatures. Skiing will be the first of many major casualties
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