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Citizen Groundswell Rises Up To Keep A Montana Lake Quaint

October 7, 2022

Would an industrial strength outdoor recreation resort 'enhance' Holland Lake?
Utah outdoor adventure company, known for running ski resorts, seeks Forest Service permission to dramatically expand human footprint on Holland Lake 
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When Mountains Tower As Metaphor For Hubris

October 2, 2022 // Forest Service, Jackson Hole

A rural road leading into the Crazies
In Elise Atchison's novel, Crazy Mountain, developers descend, newcomers live behind gates, and locals surrender their heritage. But at what cost?
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'Wild' Horses: Are There 'Too Many' In The West?

September 26, 2022

A wild horse in central Wyoming
Few topics stir more passion. In Writers on the Range, Ted Williams and Scott Beckstead debate wild horse management
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Mountain Journal Adds Managing Editor To Expand Its Impact

September 23, 2022

MoJo's new ME Joe O'Connor
Joseph T. O'Connor, multimedia veteran in covering the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, joins MoJo team as part of series of big operational moves
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Finding Gratitude (Amid The Welter Of Not Knowing What To Do)

September 5, 2022

Nature can re-create us
Are you feeling overwhelmed by the threats to wildness? As Susan Marsh reminds, the first step toward preservation is appreciating what's in front of you
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Win Or Lose, Liz Cheney's Legacy In American History Will Be Non Sibi Sed Patriae

August 16, 2022

Not so long ago, prior to Jan. 6, 2021, Liz Cheney defended Trump
In this op-ed, Tom Sadler reflects on Wyoming's Republican primary and what Lincoln, Roosevelt, Ike and Reagan would make of Harriet Hageman
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Where We Begin The Cycle Of Forever

August 1, 2022

Heeding the rhythms of life beats
Our poet in residence, Lois Red Elk (Dakota/Lakota), writes about the sun dance and seeking healing 
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How To Live And Die With A Presence Of Being

July 31, 2022

Path of ascension
Given a terminal diagnosis and faced with a finite amount of time, a couple finds peace as they say goodbye. Columnist Timothy Tate shares their story
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Remember 2018 When 'Creative Destruction' Leveled A Bozeman Trailer Park To Create 'More Prosperity'?

June 27, 2022 // Community, Community Change, Culture

Trailer park in Bozeman soon to be razed
Four years later, Tim Crawford wonders how much empathy the new Bozeman has for those that prosperity sent packing
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John Maclean Goes Deep Behind 'A River Runs Through It'

June 11, 2022

Water is a binding tether across generations
Son of Norman Maclean comes to Big Sky Thursday to discuss his father's famous fly-fishing story and how Robert Redford's movie changed Montana
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When Yellowstone Wildlife Injures Humans, We Need To Keep Own Behavior In Check

June 1, 2022

A park visitor stands perilously close to a bison in Yellowstone
In the wake of a bison goring, maybe it's time to reflect again on risk, wildness and how we comport ourselves in responding to tragedy
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Peacock The Firebrand Asks: Is Fighting For Wild Earth Worth It?

May 17, 2022

Peacock during his searching years in Yellowstone
Doug Peacock battles for grizzly conservation, inspired an Ed Abbey character and served as a Green Beret medic in Vietnam. His new memoir is perfect read for summer
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Grizzlies Around Yellowstone Are Entering A Big Squeeze

May 16, 2022

Grizzly 399 and four cubs, with whom she recently parted company
Past research shows bears are sensitive to small amounts of habitat intrusion by recreation and development. But what's the impact now as both of those go boom?
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Juggernaut: Industrial Recreation Deepens Its Tear Across America's Wildlands

April 27, 2022

At what point is nature conquered?
Is outdoor recreation Manifest Destiny 2.0?  Get ready, the West is about to experience a rush to expand the outdoor recreation infrastructure like never before. Is that a good thing for nature?
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