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Actually, Most Americans Support The Endangered Species Act

August 28, 2019

Despite claims by the Trump Administration and some politicians that the public desperately wanted the ESA reformed, that isn't what citizens say in surveys
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Once Proud Forest Service Poised To Help Gut NEPA

August 19, 2019

A landmark law is under attack
Instead of a improving a landmark environmental law, changes appear designed to flout environmental standards, says award-winning former Forest Service veteran
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Putting Pendley In Charge Of BLM Reveals Trump's True Radical Agenda For The West?

August 19, 2019

Pendley takes over BLM
Columnist Tim Crawford says if you worried about former Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, Pendley is more frightening
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Nature Helps Kids Have Compassion For The World

August 13, 2019

Having a civil society starts with empathy
In a time of rising social anxiety and mass violence, empathy seems in short supply. Exposure to wild places can revive it
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Peace Of Mind Along The Slow, Plodding Path

July 23, 2019

What more do you see at slow speed?
How trail therapy delivers a perfect dose of meaning
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George Bird Grinnell: His Impact As "The Father of American Conservation" Written Across Today's West

July 22, 2019

Taliaferro's great new book on Grinnell
John Taliaferro's "Grinnell: America's Environmental Pioneer and His Restless Drive to Save the West" is epic, entertaining and important
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Wyoming's Bet On Coal Is Now Busting The State

July 9, 2019

An old postcard touting Wyoming strip mining
Cursing at the wind? The more that its elected officials dig in their heels for coal, the further behind Wyoming falls in people and durable job creation
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Ruckus Over A National Hiking Trail: A MoJo Interview With Writer And Conservationist Rick Bass

June 25, 2019

View of the Yaak Valley
Should the Pacific Northwest Trail be re-routed in the Yaak Valley to insure habitat for an imperiled population of grizzlies remains protected? 
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The Wild West: How Do We Deal With Its Rapid Transformation?

June 19, 2019

How can the West gain 20/20 vision?
Mountain Journal intern Jordan Payne gets a crash course on the New West and titanic forces shaping its future
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Cam Sholly's Agenda For Safeguarding Yellowstone

June 10, 2019

Yellowstone Superintendent Cam Sholly
New superintendent of America's oldest national park lays out priorities, discussing everything from grizzlies, wolves and bison to snarled road traffic and other threats
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Wake For A Climber

May 22, 2019

Following the tragic loss of young climber Jess Roskelley, Timothy Tate explores the connection between loss and the sacredness of living a life true to oneself
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Wildlife Diseases: A Global Expert Takes Stock Of Greater Yellowstone

May 20, 2019

Dobson says CWD is serious threat
Andrew Dobson discusses the consequences of artificially feeding elk in Wyoming, the positive role of predators in confronting disease and worries related to CWD
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Gut-Check Time: Navigating The Ups And Downs Of Dramatic Change

May 15, 2019

How do great towns stay great?
How can some western communities and wildlands save their essence during booms, how do others prevent themselves from blowing away? A gathering in Bozeman will address these poles of the 'New West'
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Big Guns Want 230,000 Acres Of Gallatins Near Yellowstone Protected As Wilderness

May 14, 2019

One wild corner of the Gallatin Range
Founder of Patagonia joins former U.S. Interior Secretary and dozens of eminent scientists who say capital "W" essential to safeguarding wildlife in core of Greater Yellowstone
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