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The Forgotten Woman Behind Yellowstone’s Predator Revolution

September 26, 2024 // FEATURE: History

Rosalie Barrow Edge, "Hawk of Mercy"
Rosalie Edge transformed public perceptions of predator policies in the Yellowstone ecosystem—so why isn’t she more famous?

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On ‘A River’

July 17, 2024 // Book Review

The professor. Norman Maclean was as at home in the classroom as he was on Montana waters.
A new biography dives into the life of author Norman Maclean, his writing and his motivation behind the greatest fly-fishing story ever told.
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The Gray Wolf and a Dogged Pursuit

March 4, 2024 // NEWS: Dispatch

Last month, the Western Environmental Law Center filed an intent to sue after the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service declined to relist wolves as endangered
A coalition of Western environmentalists seeks renewed endangered species status for western gray wolves.
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New Research Suggests Montana FWP Wolf Count High

December 14, 2023 // NEWS: Feature

Wolf reintroduction efforts in Greater Yellowstone beginning in 1995 were successful. As Montana weighs its new wolf management plan, numbers are in question
Bozeman-based researcher says agency's model for counting wolves is wrong. FWP disagrees citing a lack of peer review.
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Finding our MoJo

October 2, 2023

We've heard the call and are gearing up.
As Mountain Journal ramps up coverage, a letter from its Interim Executive Director and Managing Editor
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A 'Greater Yellowstone National Park': Is It So Far-Fetched?

August 8, 2023

A greater version of Yellowstone fit for the 21st century?
To save America's most iconic wildlife ecosystem, two prominent conservationists say in this op-ed that today's epic challenges must be met with grander bolder thinking. If not this, then what?
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Montana's Gallatin Valley And Wildlife Paying Big Price For Growth In Big Sky

July 18, 2023

From the air: Scattershot sprawl rapidly filling Montana's pastoral Gallatin Valley
What's happening near Gallatin Gateway, Montana is indicative, Robert Sisson says, of how developers are making profits but externalizing their costs on citizens and nature
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How Greater Yellowstone Grizzlies Could Be Delisted And Remain Protected

July 18, 2023

A grizzly mother with cubs in Yellowstone
States are pushing hard to remove America's most famous grizzly population from federal protection. The primary reason is obvious. Why aren't we doing the same with bald eagles?
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This ‘Bearish’ Economy Is One Most States Would Love To Have

July 14, 2023

Totems of Greater Yellowstone's "bearish" economy
Often cast as liabilities and villains by politicians, grizzlies and wolves in Yellowstone region are bullish assets that keep delivering dividends—as long as they remain alive
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The World Loses Wildlife Art's Greatest Champion

July 6, 2023

 Bill Kerr, who helped create a global destination for wildlife art in Jackson Hole
Bill Kerr passes at 85. In Jackson Hole, his vision led to creation of the National Museum of Wildlife Art, a shrine for those globally who value connections between art and nature
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In Montana, Four Different Polls Say Citizens Seriously Unhappy About Sprawl

July 5, 2023

Paradise Valley/Park County as interpreted by painter Robert Spannring
North of Yellowstone, no-zoning signs fly like protest flags but residents of beautiful Park County are deeply concerned lack of planning is causing the loss of places they love
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Looking Past The Cliches of 'Western Art'

June 18, 2023

Bill Stockton's portrayal of a sunset
In her new award-winning book 'Montana Modernists,' Michele Corriel declares that artists from the West are so much more than frontier portrayals of cowboys and Indians
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Pondering Loneliness When You Live In A Place Some Call Shangri-la

June 16, 2023

For most people, seeking solitude is different from living a solitary life
People flee to the wilds seeking solitude and yet there's a crisis of human disconnection now gripping America. Therapist Timothy Tate explores what's behind it
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'Cracked' Makes Strong Case For Tearing Down Dams That Took Wild Rivers

June 8, 2023

The Yellowstone River is the liquid gem of Paradise Valley. Some wanted to have it dammed
Across West, author Steven Hawley writes, logic that justified damming rivers is wrong. Like Yosemite battle over Hetch Hetchy, Greater Yellowstone had its own fights
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