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For Yellowstone And America, Climate Change Brings Our Moment Of Truth

March 20, 2018

The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem sits at the epicenter of a huge disruption from rising temperatures. Skiing will be the first of many major casualties
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Russell Chatham's Reflections On Role Of Artist

March 4, 2018

Pale Winter Moonrise by Russell Chatham
Wisdom from the legendary former resident of Paradise Valley
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'Liberal Radio Media' As Elusive As Bigfoot In The Rural West

February 13, 2018 // The New West

"Sasquatch," a painting by Robert Bateman
Still, Trump Administration wants to zero out funding for NPR, PBS, arts and humanities
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The Essential Role Of Eco-Capitalism In Saving The Best That Remains

January 29, 2018 // Conservation, Private Lands, The New West

Ted Turner  Photo by Todd Wilkinson
Greater Yellowstone's rich tapestry will be won—or lost—based on what businesspeople do next
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The Guy We All Wanted To Know—And Count As Our Friend

January 18, 2018

David J Swift
David J. Swift dies in Jackson Hole and we remember his everlasting spirit
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A Brave Speech For Our Time: Why Public-Interest Journalism Matters For America And The Wild West

January 17, 2018

Sen. Jeff Flake delivering his speech on the Senate Floor
U.S. Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona gives a rousing speech on the importance of watchdog media. It plays a vital role in protecting America's last best ecosystem in the Lower 48. 
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The Killing Fields Await Yellowstone Bison Once Again In Montana

December 15, 2017 // Yellowstone

More than 10,000 Yellowstone bison have been killed based on a faulty premise. Like the worry over Chronic Wasting Disease, this controversy has connections to Wyoming's feedgrounds
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The Undeniable Value of Wolves, Bears, Lions And Coyotes In Battling Disease

December 11, 2017

Photo courtesy NPS / Jacob W. Frank
Part 4 in Mountain Journal's series on Chronic Wasting Disease and the threat it poses to America's wildest ecosystem. By killing predators, are states that still cling to Little Red Riding Hood shooting themselves in the foot?
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Chronic Wasting Disease Strikes Montana And Continues Its March On Yellowstone

November 16, 2017 // Chronic Wasting Disease, Public Lands, Wildlife, Yellowstone

elk graph
Part 3 in Mountain Journal's ongoing series on Chronic Wasting Disease. With ultra-deadly CWD now in Montana wildlife for first time, critics say public officials are demonstrating irresponsibility by having no coordinated plan for confronting the disease
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America's National Elk Refuge: A ‘Miasmic Zone Of Life-Threatening Diseases'

October 17, 2017 // Public Lands, Science, Wildlife

Will the National Elk Refuge become ground zero for catastrophic disease? Photo courtesy National Elk Refuge
The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem is known internationally for its wildlife. With the arrival of Chronic Wasting Disease looming, the epicenter of a deadly outbreak would be western Wyoming and the home to America's "national elk herd". Part 2 in Mountain Journal's series looking at the coming wildlife plague.
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Painter Mimi Matsuda Provides Visual Fodder for MoJo's First "You Write The Caption" Contest

August 14, 2017 // Big Art of Nature, Mountain Journal Caption Contest, wildlife art

Mimi Matsuda
Bozeman artist Mimi Matsuda is a former Yellowstone ranger who enjoys having humans ponder nature from wildlife's point of view. One of her paintings is featured in MoJo's regular "you write the caption" contest.
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