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What it means to stand at the Crossroads of the West

July 20, 2023

Perception versus reality: The West ain't what you see in old cowboy films
In her latest book, "True West: Myth and Mending on the Far Side of America," Betsy Gaines Quammen takes a deep look into the myths of the West and how we our future lies in the balance
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Montana's Gallatin Valley And Wildlife Paying Big Price For Growth In Big Sky

July 18, 2023

From the air: Scattershot sprawl rapidly filling Montana's pastoral Gallatin Valley
What's happening near Gallatin Gateway, Montana is indicative, Robert Sisson says, of how developers are making profits but externalizing their costs on citizens and nature
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How Greater Yellowstone Grizzlies Could Be Delisted And Remain Protected

July 18, 2023

A grizzly mother with cubs in Yellowstone
States are pushing hard to remove America's most famous grizzly population from federal protection. The primary reason is obvious. Why aren't we doing the same with bald eagles?
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This ‘Bearish’ Economy Is One Most States Would Love To Have

July 14, 2023

Totems of Greater Yellowstone's "bearish" economy
Often cast as liabilities and villains by politicians, grizzlies and wolves in Yellowstone region are bullish assets that keep delivering dividends—as long as they remain alive
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The World Loses Wildlife Art's Greatest Champion

July 6, 2023

 Bill Kerr, who helped create a global destination for wildlife art in Jackson Hole
Bill Kerr passes at 85. In Jackson Hole, his vision led to creation of the National Museum of Wildlife Art, a shrine for those globally who value connections between art and nature
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In Montana, Four Different Polls Say Citizens Seriously Unhappy About Sprawl

July 5, 2023

Paradise Valley/Park County as interpreted by painter Robert Spannring
North of Yellowstone, no-zoning signs fly like protest flags but residents of beautiful Park County are deeply concerned lack of planning is causing the loss of places they love
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'What Were You Thinking When You Took The Osprey?'

July 4, 2023

As osprey perched on its nest, another avian wonder of Greater Yellowstone
Dave Hall peers back four generations toward a revered ancestor who did things as a sportsman that would not meet today's conservation ethic 
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Headwaters' Report Highlights Downsides Of So-Called Green Lifestyle Economy

June 24, 2023

New glampground along Yellowstone River in Paradise Valley, enabled by weak planning laws in Park County, Montana
Environmentalists often condemn resource extraction, but is the 'natural amenity economy' built on industrial recreation, tourism and real estate sales better for wildlife?
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Mountains In Wilderness Don’t Need Hardware

June 13, 2023

Will a new bill in Congress untie parts of the Wilderness Act of 1964?

New legislation could allow rock climbers to install permanent fixtures in Wilderness areas in Greater Yellowstone and nationwide
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'Cracked' Makes Strong Case For Tearing Down Dams That Took Wild Rivers

June 8, 2023

The Yellowstone River is the liquid gem of Paradise Valley. Some wanted to have it dammed
Across West, author Steven Hawley writes, logic that justified damming rivers is wrong. Like Yosemite battle over Hetch Hetchy, Greater Yellowstone had its own fights
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Solving the Mystery of Hemingway’s ‘Big Two-Hearted River’

May 26, 2023

Master engraver Chris Wormell was specially commissioned to provide original artwork for the Centennial Edition of "Big Two-Hearted River"
John Maclean’s foreword to Hemingway’s early masterpiece in the recently published ‘Centennial Edition'
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Gianforte Triumphs Again Showing Science Has No Place In Modern World

May 20, 2023

Gianforte on his high horse, er dinosaur
After Montana governor signs bill prohibiting climate change science from factoring in major state decisions, cartoonist John Potter hits back—with satire
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In The Light Of A Campfire, People And Wolf As Original Brothers/Sisters

May 16, 2023

The bond between humans and wolves stretches back to the twilight of our species
In John Potter's painting, 'A Private Conversation,' the artist shares the Anishinaabe origin story of how Creator told humans and wolves their fates were forever intertwined
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Dino Bone Museums Create Local Stars, Drive Tourism To Some Western Towns

May 8, 2023

A T. Rex at Bozeman's Museum of the Rockies
Struggling remote communities can benefit by keeping prehistoric bones in area where they are found, Adam Larson says in this piece from Writers on the Range
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