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What Does River Conservation Really Mean?

February 16, 2021

"In the Stillness of Dawn," a painting by Brent Cotton
The Week That Is: If you ask river protectors you're likely to get different answers. Is growing recreation pressure a problem?
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"Public Trust" Is A Film About America's Natural Heritage That Will Rile You

October 16, 2020

The Sheenjek River flows from ANWR
Patagonia made a film about America's great natural asset—our public lands—and it is raising a ruckus. We interview the Montana journalist who appears in it.  You can also see the film here, now.
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Experts Say The Magna Carta Of American Environmental Law Is Under Siege

January 12, 2020 // Conservation, Ecosystem Protection, EPA, Public Lands

A natural gas field in Wyoming
Special Report: The National Environmental Policy Act benefits the lives of all Americans every day. So why is the Trump Administration weakening It?
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Up North There's Concern About Skinny Grizzlies And Declining Salmon

November 11, 2019

A coastal grizzly feasts on salmon
Another reminder that all grizzly foods aren't equal. When you lose one, as has been shown in Greater Yellowstone, it can disorder things at an ecosystem level
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A Doctor Plumbs The Depths Of Ivan Doig's Illness And Asks: 'Did He Have An Epiphany?'

October 5, 2019

Ivan Doig taking notes at Fort Peck
Robert Patrick, a Doig fan and end-of-life-physician, writes of what he found in the famous author's journals
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Terminal Diagnosis: How Montana Writer Ivan Doig Coped With His Own End

October 5, 2019

Ivan Doig
Doig's spirit springs to life in the MSU Library Archives, revealing his literary triumphs, fears and what lay in his heart 
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Actually, Most Americans Support The Endangered Species Act

August 28, 2019

Despite claims by the Trump Administration and some politicians that the public desperately wanted the ESA reformed, that isn't what citizens say in surveys
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Wyoming's Bet On Coal Is Now Busting The State

July 9, 2019

An old postcard touting Wyoming strip mining
Cursing at the wind? The more that its elected officials dig in their heels for coal, the further behind Wyoming falls in people and durable job creation
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New Wyoming Hunting Group Takes The Old Guard To Task

May 17, 2019

Mountain Pursuit, founded by former journalist and fifth-generation Wyomingite Rob Shaul, expresses outrage over, among other things, the brutal treatment of coyotes and decline of fair chase in hunting
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Unnatural Disaster: Will America’s Most Iconic Wild Ecosystem Be Lost To A Tidal Wave Of People?

February 14, 2019 // Growth—Good, Bad & Ugly

At current conservative growth estimates, Bozeman, Montana will be Minneapolis-proper-sized in 40 years.
A MoJo Special Report: Can the wild Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem survive the coming hurricane of human population growth? As part of Mountain Journal's ongoing investigative series, "Greater Yellowstone: The Big Picture," Todd Wilkinson examines significant issues shaping the future of America's most iconic wildland ecosystem. This story focuses on the accelerating impacts of human development.
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Dems Winning House Means Major Pushback To Trump's Anti-Environment, Anti-Science Agenda

November 7, 2018

Still, the Democratic National Committee remains clueless in dealing with rural West and heartland
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Stacking The Deck? House Democrats Say GOP Giving Industry Too Much Influence On Capitol Hill

November 1, 2018 // Climate Change, Congress, Politics, Science

Rob Bishop chairs the House Natural Resource Committee
New report says fossil fuel interests dominate hearings on issues affecting American West
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TR IV: Meet A Real Theodore Roosevelt Conservationist

August 12, 2018 // Conservation, Leadership, Ryan Zinke, Wildlife

Teddy, Ted and Ryan
Great grandson of 'the old lion' calls moderate Republicans 'an endangered species'
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House Democrats Call Upon Zinke To Explain Forced Transfer of Dan Wenk

June 22, 2018 // Leadership, National Park Service, Politics, Yellowstone

President Donald Trump, Scott Pruitt and Ryan Zinke
Ranking minority member of House Natural Resources Committee wants Interior Secretary to reveal why he is forcing Yellowstone superintendent out
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