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The Blessing Of Being Alive: Lois Red Elk Returns!

April 25, 2019

Patterns in the prairie
Montana's acclaimed poet of the prairie beholds the patterns of nature and finds solace in the power of turtle
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Heeding The Trade-Offs Of Recreation-Based Growth Near Yellowstone

April 24, 2019

Summer hikers in the high country
Gallatin County, Montana is one of the fastest-growing non-urban counties in America but is there a plan to deal with the deluge?
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To Go—And Perish—Where Others Fear To Tread

April 22, 2019

MoJo columnist Timothy Tate, a psychotherapist and consultant to The North Face adventure team, examines why some court risk and others get exhilaration by watching others take chances
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Natural Truths: Channeling The Wisdom of Aldo Leopold

April 19, 2019

Aldo Leopold
Seventy years after A Sand County Almanac was published, what would 'the godfather of modern ecological thinking' say about battles over predators, recreation and environmental justice?
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Greater Yellowstoneans Know How To Co-Exist With The Icons Of Wildness

April 9, 2019

A grizzly in Yellowstone
First grizzly-human encounter reminds us of value of bear spray and the long odds of getting attacked
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Is American Prairie Reserve Taking The West Back To The Future?

March 25, 2019

A sign of unrest on the prairie?
With a grand vision for rewilding native species in eastern Montana, APR is spurring a huge debate over bison, private property rights, federalism and the survival of rural communities 
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Conservationists Sue To Halt Artificial Feeding At National Elk Refuge

March 18, 2019 // Chronic Wasting Disease, Ecosystem Protection, Wildlife

Elk on a feed line in Jackson Hole
With Chronic Wasting Disease likely already on refuge, action is claimed as necessary to prevent disastrous disease outbreak amongst America's most famous elk herd
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Some Call Her 'The Owl Whisperer'

March 18, 2019 // Art, Photography, Wildlife

Ashleigh Scully
Ashleigh Scully is a rising Millennial star in wildlife photography. Enjoy a Mountain Journal interview with the conservation-minded phenom
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The Perils Of Going Along To Get Along

March 13, 2019 // Climate Change, Growth—Good, Bad & Ugly, Leadership, Outdoor Recreation, Politics, The New West, Wildlife

A bison in Yellowstone
What does it say about us when we have leaders who don't have the courage to act?
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The Power Of Words: How We Use Language To Justify Our Consumption Of Nature

March 11, 2019 // Public Lands, Wildlife, Wyoming

A wolf in Yellowstone
MoJo columnist Susan Marsh waxes on how we 'harvest' living things to avoid admitting we're taking their lives
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Public Health Official: Chronic Wasting Disease Seems Bound To Infect People

March 6, 2019 // Chronic Wasting Disease, Hunting, Jackson Hole, Wildlife

Thousands of wapiti at National Elk Refuge
"CWD is gonna be a helluva wildlife problem even if disease doesn't reach livestock and humans," Osterholm says. He criticizes Wyoming for continuing to operate controversial elk feedgrounds
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Can Greater Yellowstone’s Wildlife Survive Industrial Strength Recreation?

March 6, 2019 // development, Outdoor Recreation, The New West, Wildlife

Photo courtesy NPS / Adams
A contrast between two different organizations—one devoted to tackling real issues shaping our region, the other running away from hard discussions about growing impacts of industrial-strength recreation
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Wallowing Unhappily In Yellowstone

February 25, 2019 // Bison, Yellowstone

What do you see in the eye of a bison?
Cursed cars: a Millennial tourist, among the record-breaking masses, admits to being profoundly disappointed by his front country experience in America's first national park
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Is Pat Clayton The Finest Fish Photographer In America?

February 20, 2019 // Conservation, Fine Art, Yellowstone

Cutthroat trout
With a sense of urgency, feisty spirit and an incredible eye, this talented witness turns wild trout and salmon into art muses for conservation
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