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Remembering The Ties That Bind: A Daughter Copes With Her Mother's Dementia

April 19, 2018

Bozeman psychotherapist Timothy Tate helps a client work through the pain of watching her matriarch's memory fade
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"Made In America": Ryan Zinke's New Committee With Myriad Hidden Agendas

April 15, 2018

A boardwalk in Yellowstone
In this op-ed, natural resource advocate Katie Christiansen points out how, time and again, the Interior Secretary gives conservation short-shrift
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Lee Metcalf: Remembering Montana's Firebrand

April 12, 2018

Montana's Lee Metcalf stood tall with giants
Mike Mansfield called Metcalf the state's greatest senator. In part 2 of Ed Kemmick's series, he also stood out as a no-apology conservationist
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Weakening Wilderness Act Is Antithetical To Principle Of Landmark Law

April 10, 2018

The author seeking wilderness
Writer Michael Dax says efforts by hardcore recreation user groups to undermine wilderness protection are self-serving and short-sighted
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In Yellowstone Bison Controversy, Would 'Supervaccine' Be A Silver Bullet Solution?

April 9, 2018

Yellowstone superintendent Dan Wenk notes that slaughter of bison is really a battle over public land grass with livestock industry
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A MoJo Short Story Video: Are Elk Or Yellowstone Bison The Real Disease Threat?

April 3, 2018

Yellowstone Superintendent says science proves park buffalo are not the menaces Montana portrays them to be
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A Patriot Finds Peace In The West

April 3, 2018

Former soldier Todd Johnson on a hike through Bighorn Canyon
MoJo columnist Todd Johnson, a combat veteran-turned-Park-Service ranger, salutes the stewards of public lands
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When The Meadowlark Sings Oiyokipi Omaka Teca

April 2, 2018

For Lois Red Elk and other prairie dwellers, springtime means 'Take joy, the world is made anew'
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Of Young Men And Reform School

April 1, 2018

Corrections officials chat behind the fence at Pine Hills.
In this age of firearm proliferation, how do we stop tragedy and who decides if a troubled teen can be healed?
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Plummeting Morale In The Forest Service: Why It Should Matter To Americans Who Love Nature

March 27, 2018

The Bridger-Teton National Forest.  Image courtesy imgur user Show Us Your Togwotee
Another tour de force piece from Susan Marsh on a once proud federal public land agency
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Roar: Random Musings From A Montana Hook And Bullet Conservationist—Part I

March 26, 2018

A stuffed African lion and Nile crocodile
MoJo columnist T. H. Crawford, lifelong hunter and African safarian, shares thoughts on Trump Administration's International Wildlife Conservation Council
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Riding The Unwild Roar In Yellowstone

March 21, 2018

Snowmobilers in Yellowstone
A winterkeeper explores his relationship with America's oldest national park via snowmobile
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For Yellowstone And America, Climate Change Brings Our Moment Of Truth

March 20, 2018

The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem sits at the epicenter of a huge disruption from rising temperatures. Skiing will be the first of many major casualties
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A MoJo Short Story Video: Yellowstone Superintendent Dan Wenk Talks Bison And Activists

March 19, 2018

After acts of civil disobedience, arrests and release of animals from quarantine, the national park's top manager shares his thoughts
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