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Magical Sometimes Mirthful Summer Moments From Yellowstone

July 29, 2018 // Wildlife, Yellowstone

Who is checking out who in Yellowstone?
More from "A Life in Wonderland": Yellowstone "winterkeeper" Steven Fuller shares an almanac of summer images from the center of America's oldest national park
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Bruin Lottery: Photographer Tom Mangelsen Scores A Wyoming Grizzly Tag

July 26, 2018 // Grizzly Bears, Hunting, Wildlife, Wyoming

Tom Mangelsen
Jackson Hole conservationist plans to hunt a bear with his camera, not a gun
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Are We Seeking Escape To—Or From—The Real World?

July 25, 2018 // Jackson Hole, Public Lands, Wilderness

Naturalist Susan Marsh, a maven of the high country, helps us find an answer in the 'wildflower forest'
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On Motherhood, Nativism And Immigration

July 24, 2018 // Community, Community Change, Indigenous Wisdom, Poetry

Lakota Mother and Baby
Lois Red Elk offers two poems reminding that dreams of better lives are planted in the young
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Yellowstone's New Chief Breaks The Silence

July 17, 2018 // Hunting, Leadership, Wildlife, Yellowstone

Cameron Sholly
In a Mountain Journal exclusive, Cameron Sholly talks Dan Wenk, Ryan Zinke's controversial moves and taking the helm of America's oldest national park
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Wide Awake In The Land Of Griz

July 15, 2018 // Grizzly Bears

 Has this ever happened to you?
Steve Primm in part 2 of his MoJo series asks, 'Are you really ready to explore bear country?'
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A Summer Intern With MoJo

July 10, 2018

Greater Yellowstone
Meet Sean Cummings Who Will Be Telling Stories Of People And Places In Greater Yellowstone
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Encounter With Grizzly—Part I: The Shooting

July 5, 2018 // Grizzly Bears

A grizzly mother with cubs
In three parts, MoJo columnist Steve Primm reflects on lessons from a hiker's killing of a bear in Wyoming's Wind River Mountains
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A Hunger For Solitude During Visitor Season

June 27, 2018 // Grizzly Bears, Jackson Hole, Wilderness, Wyoming

After the guests depart, Susan Marsh savors a wild Snake and charismatic megafauna
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Why Wildlife Moves

June 15, 2018

Clovis-era hunters in Montana
Ecologist Lance Craighead digs into 13,000 years of natural history and ponders what climate change means for Greater Yellowstone
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Ryan Zinke Scores A Pyrrhic Victory In Yellowstone

June 14, 2018

Ryan Zinke at Yellowstone's doorstep
After ousting Dan Wenk over bison, Interior Secretary now must decide: will he stand behind his controversial National Park Service Director?
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Cameron Sholly Named New Superintendent Of Yellowstone

June 13, 2018

Cam Sholly and Ryan Zinke
Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke announces replacement for Dan Wenk
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Second Person In Three Days Injured By Cow Elk In Yellowstone

June 5, 2018

Thirty-two-minute-old elk calf in Mammoth Hot Springs; Jim Peaco/NPS
In America's first national park, wapiti mothers are protective of their calves, no matter how docile they look
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Honoring Šung'mayetu The Underdog

June 4, 2018

From her home on the prairie, poet Lois Red Elk debuts two new tributes to coyote
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