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A Seat-Of-The-Pants Cartoon Ripped From The Headlines

December 26, 2021

Scoop lands another story for prime time news
When it comes to wildlife conflict, John Potter asks, why do animals often get blamed for human misbehavior?
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Powder Daze: Where Bighorns No Longer Wander

December 15, 2021

Bomb's away: More than climate is changing
Cartoonist John Potter says in many parts of the backcountry, any 'balance' between the desires of outdoor recreationists and the needs of sensitive wildlife is out of whack
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'A Life Lived Wild: Adventures at the Edge of the Map' Is A Great Read

December 14, 2021

From exploring wildlands to saving them, Ridgeway continues his own evolution
Rick Ridgeway has been called 'the real Indiana Jones' for his gravity-defying daring, breathtaking photos and yen to be outdoors. Now his priority is saving what's left of our wild home planet
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Celebrating Our Extended Earthly Families

November 25, 2021

It goes way beyond DNA
There is kinship in everything around us, if only we open our eyes, cartoonist John Potter reminds
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Who Are The Biggest NIMBYS?

November 7, 2021

Do only people have rights to privacy and liberty?
Once again, John Potter pokes fun at humans who fail to grasp the irony of intolerance when we invade the wild backyards of others
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Lobo Delusions?

October 19, 2021

Is the problem wolves or fairy tales?
Cartoonist John Potter says Montana's rabid anti-wolf policies, lacking in facts and common sense, are just plain crazy. And they're giving the state a self-inflicted black eye
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Yellowstone Wolf 302 Latest Star In Rick McIntyre's Lobo Trifecta

September 30, 2021 // Wolves

For Wolf 302, being a savvy hunter was matter of life or death
It's not easy surviving as a wolf in America's oldest national park—and this doesn't even include the perils that loom for wolves from humans once they cross the northern border into Montana
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If Darwin Created A Field Guide For Yellowstone National Petting Zoo

September 29, 2021 // John Potter, Yellowstone

The creatures of Jellystone
Cartoonist John Potter creates this handy pamphlet for the ecologically illiterate headed to Yellowstone and Grand Teton
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Wildlife Management By Fairy Tale

September 17, 2021 // John Potter, Montana, Wolves

Give him more of that old time (wolf-loathing) religion
Cartoonist John Potter says Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte, with his spiteful attitude toward Yellowstone National Park and its wolves, proves he places a religious zeal for politics over science
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A Storm Front Moves Into Red State Wyoming

September 14, 2021 // Politics, Wyoming

Is Wyoming's referendum on Trump tearing Republicans apart?
Liz Cheney says she is fighting for truth and country but why do facts often evade her when it comes to honest discourse about environmental issues? That's a topic for MoJo's The Week That Is
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Bozeman, Montana: Capital Of The New Unwild West?

September 11, 2021 // Bozeman, John Potter

Which vision of the West do you prefer?
As nature becomes a casualty to growth, cartoonist John Potter would take cows over condos, ranchers over realtors, and wildlife over the blight of "progress" any day. What about you?
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Montana Defiantly Puts Yellowstone Wolves In Its Crosshairs

September 9, 2021 // Montana, Wolves, Yellowstone

A member of Yellowstone's Delta Pack
In unprecedented move, new hunting and trapping regulations would allow every wolf coming into state from America's first national park to be killed as a trophy
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What 'Modern Wolf Management' Looks Like In The Northern Rockies

August 30, 2021 // John Potter, Wolves

Reality for wolves behind the tourism brochures?
Cartoonist John Potter says Montana, Idaho and Wyoming have turned one of the greatest wildlife conservation achievements in history into shameful expressions of ignorance 
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If Misadventure With Yellowstone Wildlife Were An Olympic Event

August 22, 2021

In Yellowstone, these olympics never stop
In his latest, cartoonist John Potter daydreams on the many different ways critters might take the podium after tourists in America's first national park venture too close
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