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Wilderness: America's Second-Best Idea Is Under Attack—Unfortunately By Some Recreationists

September 6, 2017 // Wilderness

Detail of Monte Dolack's painting A Peaceable Kingdom of Wilderness
In this second part of an ongoing series on wilderness in America, MoJo columnist Franz Camenzind shines a light on efforts in Congress to roll back federal protection for wilderness. One of the main surprising instigators, he says, are mountain bikers masquerading as conservationists.

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The Voice Of Lois Red Elk-Reed Hails From The Real Old Old West

September 5, 2017 // Culture

Lois Red Elk-Reed and husband, Dennis, at Standing Rock in autumn 2016
From working on multiple fronts to preserve her culture to advising Hollywood on its portrayals of native people, Lois Red Elk-Reed, of Fort Peck, Montana, has gained acclaim as an "organic poet".
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For A Generation, "The Blue Door" Was A Safe Space On Bozeman's Main Street

September 5, 2017

The author contemplates the meaning of red, white and blue from behind the door of his clinical therapy practice in downtown Bozeman, Montana
Psychotherapist Timothy J. Tate says the biggest downside of his community becoming the "it" place is the loss of handshake agreements.
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Fake News And Media Bias? It's Actually Me-Bias And Most Of Us Are Guilty

September 4, 2017 // Culture

Illustration by Diane Kaup Benefiel/Wilson, Wyoming
In his new column, Trigger Warning, now debuting at Mountain Journal, social commentator David J Swift suggests those who embrace alternative facts can't handle the truth
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America Desperately Needs More Bill Ruckelshauses

August 31, 2017 // EPA

William Ruckelshaus being sworn in as the first chief administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Sara Flitner remembers the EPA's first chief administrator and how his approach to problem solving is badly-need today
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What Motivates Some Millennials To Try To Do Good In The World?

August 31, 2017

Liam Diekmann conducting "research" for his column
The 21st-century will be shaped by the Millennial generation, which is inheriting both opportunities and challenges from their predecessors. In his regular column, "My Father's Son" for Mountain Journal and MidCurrent, Liam Diekmann of Bozeman, Montana, lends some insight into Millennial values. 
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A Late Summer Hike In The Tetons Leads To "Rock of Ages"

August 29, 2017 // Big Art of Nature

A view of Rock of Ages high in the Tetons by Sue Cedarholm
In Watercolor Diary, Sue Cedarholm is painting a new place every day. In day 155, she ventures into the Tetons’ Hanging Canyon to spy Rock of Ages
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A Montana Political Giant Says Citizens Must Hold Elected Officials To Account

August 28, 2017 // Civil Society, Politics, The New West

Former Ambassador to China and U.S. Sen. Max Baucus
Max Baucus, the former Ambassador to China and Longtime U.S. Senator From Montana, Says Citizens Will Get The Democracy They Deserve—If They Demand It
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Wilderness, America's Second-Best Conservation Idea, Is Under Attack

August 28, 2017 // Wilderness

Macon & Washakie Lakes, Wind River Range, Popo Agie Wilderness on the Shoshone National Forest, Wyoming. Photo by Jim Peaco, courtesy National Park Service
In the first part of an ongoing MoJo series, "Modern Wilderness," explored through a variety of perspectives and voices, columnist Franz Camenzind examines what official federal "wilderness" is, the origins of The Wilderness Act and the uncommon importance wilderness in the modern world.

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Even In Paradise, Everyone Needs To Heal Something, Especially The Seemingly Invincible

August 23, 2017 // Community, Community Change

Mountain towns cast their own shadows. Photo by Todd Wilkinson
Confronting the myth of perfection, columnist Timothy Tate, a practicing psychotherapist in Bozeman, writes about "distress" accompanying radical changes in mountain communities
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Cosmic Palette: Commemorating Eclipse Totality With Brushes Of Paint

August 22, 2017 // Big Art of Nature, Community, Community Change, Culture, Grand Teton National Park, Jackson Hole

"Totality," a watercolor painting of eclipse in Wyoming by Sue Cedarholm
In "Watercolor Diary" Day 150, Sue Cedarholm Documents The Great American Eclipse From The Floor Of Grand Teton National Park
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Lesson From The Great Eclipse: When We Stand In Awe Of Nature, We Become Better Citizens

August 20, 2017 // Big Art of Nature, Conservation, Ecosystem Protection, Science, The New West

Gallatin Valley sunset by Steve Kelly
One profound lesson from the great eclipse of 2017: Science says that people who spend more time reverentially in the great outdoors are happier, kinder and more generous 
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Epic Challenges Are Gripping Jackson Hole But For Hank Phibbs Surrender Is Not An Option

August 14, 2017 // Columnists, Community, Community Change, Conservation, Jackson Hole, Politics, Wyoming

Hank Phibb
Teton County, Wyoming is one of the wealthiest per capita counties in the United States and one of the most strikingly beautiful places on earth. Yet despite its abundance of riches, Teton County is a province of widening economic disparity, tensions between nature preservation and human development, and questions shaping the soul of the community. Hank Phibbs takes us into the heart of the conversation.
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Introducing Mountain Journal: A New Voice for the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

August 14, 2017 // Conservation, Ecosystem Protection, Government Accountability, News, Public Lands, Public-Interest Journalism, Science, The New West, Wildlife

Mountain Journal
MOUNTAIN JOURNAL is public-interest journalism aimed at celebrating an unparalleled region and probing a question: Can America’s last, best and most iconic wild ecosystem be saved? How we make meaning of place and search for answers here has implications for every corner of the country.  
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