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Perpetual Resurrection: New Life Springs From What Came Before

April 12, 2020

An old tree keeps giving back
As Jackson Hole poet Libby Crews Wood notes, all of us, every living being, contributes to the masterpiece of Nature
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When The Government Tries To Think Big

March 29, 2020

Bison in Yellowstone's Lamar Valley
Thirty years ago, the Greater Yellowstone's first attempt at having a grand vision to protect the ecosystem turned into a whimper. What happened? A first-hand account from a civil servant who was there
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How Can 'We' Better Live In Panic-Stricken Times?

March 28, 2020

Words at Story Mill Park in Bozeman
It's normal to feel stressed out and alone, so what can we do about it? Timothy Tate, Bozeman psychotherapist, shares a few thoughts about creating the transformation we need
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Does Interior Secretary David Bernhardt Not Understand Coronavirus Threat?

March 23, 2020

Wolf and grizzly watchers in Yellowstone
Critics condemn Trump's top public land cabinet minister for telling people to visit Yellowstone and other parks during a pandemic. UPDATE: Yellowstone and Grand Teton closed Tuesday, March 24 until further notice
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Love Of Pets, People And Safety In A Time Of Coronavirus

March 22, 2020 // Dogs

Ted Kerasote and Pukka
Western towns are dog-crazy hamlets. As award-winning author Ted Kerasote notes, we need to think carefully about their social interactions, too
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Inside The Storm

March 20, 2020

"Everything will be fine," the banner says.. "Thanks doctors and nurses."
A young Italian sends a warning to his contemporary Millennial and Gen Z peers in the Northern Rockies
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Can This Pause Make Us Smarter About How We Protect Yellowstone?

March 18, 2020

The Upper Yellowstone Valley
The ecosystem holding America's first national park is facing whirlwind changes. The slowdown could be the wake-up call we need.
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Imagine If Every County And Town Planning Department Had A Staff Ecologist

February 18, 2020

A student of 'Remote Studio'
To protect the best of Greater Yellowstone, Lori Ryker says humans need to practice real intelligent design and make sure nature registers
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Calling Nature Writers, Poets And Videographers

February 12, 2020

What do you have to say about Greater Yellowstone?
Layser creative writing and journalism fellowship offers $3500 to person who wants to tell Greater Yellowstone stories. Application deadline is March 11, 2020
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When Green-up Arrives, Do You Suffer From 'Plant Blindness'?

February 12, 2020

Black-eyed Susans in the Bridgers
For naturalist Susan Marsh, winter is a great season for reflecting on what's out of sight and mind—and how each of us can appreciate new worlds 
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Will The West's Wildest Heart Still Beat On?

January 29, 2020

One of the most iconic natural areas on Earth
New report on Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem by scholar Robert Keiter identifies major challenges threatening its health
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Are We Giving The Wild Gallatins The Visionary Protection They Really Deserve?

December 29, 2019

The Buffalo Horn drainage in the Wild Gallatins
By the wildlife they hold, the Gallatin Mountains are wilder than most national parks in the Lower 48. So why are the Forest Service and enviro groups balking at more extensive protections?
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Beauty As Antidote For Living In Heavy Times

December 20, 2019

Sinopah, crown jewel of the Two Medicine area
For painter Barbara Rusmore, the restorative power of nature is a catalyst for art and advocacy
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High Living For Whom In America's Quarter Million Dollar County?

December 1, 2019

Welcome to the richest county in America
What if the average per capita local income was $250,000? In Teton County, Wyoming, it's true, but you know what they say about statistics, eh
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