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Complements in Landscape Beauty: Art and Place in the Gros Ventre and Beyond
June 12, 2023

Returning to ‘Magic Ridge,’ Susan Marsh rediscovers the many faces of Nature’s splendor
Read MoreTo Stop A Grizzly And How Bear Spray Saved A Life
June 6, 2023

When a grizzly bear charged Keegan David, he had seconds to
react. He shared his story with Mountain Journal.
Famous Jackson Hole Grizzly 399 Wows Again, But Now What?
May 18, 2023

Emerging with her 18th cub as part of a historic legendary life, 399 is 27, long in the tooth and still transforming our perceptions of grizzlies. Now it's our turn to be on best behavior
Read MoreIn The Light Of A Campfire, People And Wolf As Original Brothers/Sisters
May 16, 2023

In John Potter's painting, 'A Private Conversation,' the artist shares the Anishinaabe origin story of how Creator told humans and wolves their fates were forever intertwined
Read MoreAnatomy Of A Wake-Up Call
May 9, 2023

After witnessing the impact of Vail on nature, Tom Spruance, conservative businessman, felt compelled to rise up in defense of Greater Yellowstone. He says others should, too
Read MoreA Time To Rally: When Ted Turner Gave Jacques Cousteau An End-Of-Life Pep Talk
April 23, 2023 // Science

Cousteau, once the most famous conservationist in the world, was a father figure to Ted Turner. In old age, Cousteau became cynical. Here's what Turner told him
Read MoreBig Sky, Montana: A New West Mountain Town Primed For Its Own 'Big Burn'?
April 19, 2023

This high-profile resort community is at 'very high risk to wildfire' and an emblem for the dangers of building in the Wildland-Urban Interface. Part 3 in MoJo's ongoing series
Cranes Remind Us Of A Nature Everlasting
April 18, 2023

It's Earth Week, and Dorothy Bradley, an esteemed Montana stateswoman, asks: "Can we really look young people in the eye and claim we're securing them a better future?"
Read MoreAre Western Mountain Towns Ready For The Coming Flames?
March 21, 2023

Rural sprawl is expanding the "wildland-urban interface." It is elevating the costs and perils of dealing with wildfire, and taxpayers are footing the bill. Part 2 in our ongoing series
Read MoreIn Jackson Hole, Good News About CWD—For Now
March 5, 2023

Senior biologist with National Elk Refuge says Chronic Wasting Disease hasn't shown up there yet. But any sense of solace is probably short lived
Read MoreMontana, In The Wake Of 'Yellowstone' and 'A River Runs Through It'
February 27, 2023

Thirty years after Norman Maclean's novella was brought to big screen, many are lamenting how it, and the TV melodrama 'Yellowstone' have fueled an inundation of western Montana
Read MoreIt's Too Soon To Delist Grizzly Bears
February 21, 2023

In this op-ed, longtime grizzly bear conservationist Lance Olsen notes how threats to the bear's fragile ecological recovery are expanding and intensifying
Read MoreHow Did They Do It? Zooming in on the First Geological Map of Yellowstone
February 21, 2023

In 1871, a federal expedition led by Ferdinand Vandeveer Hayden conducted a detailed geological survey of the Yellowstone area leading to the first geological map and convincing Congress to establish Yellowstone as America's first national park.
Read MoreThe Big Picture: Pondering Greater Yellowstone's 'Elephants In The Room'
February 17, 2023

Test your ability to detect subtle changes that often seem invisible. Then apply your newfound insight to thinking about Greater Yellowstone's rapid transformation