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The Blessing Of Being Alive: Lois Red Elk Returns!

April 25, 2019

Patterns in the prairie
Montana's acclaimed poet of the prairie beholds the patterns of nature and finds solace in the power of turtle
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Heeding The Trade-Offs Of Recreation-Based Growth Near Yellowstone

April 24, 2019

Summer hikers in the high country
Gallatin County, Montana is one of the fastest-growing non-urban counties in America but is there a plan to deal with the deluge?
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Reason For Optimism On Earth Day 2019?

April 22, 2019

An environment half empty or full?
Despite major environmental challenges, Brian Yablonski writes in this op-ed that there are many reasons to reject doom and gloom—and embrace hope
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Natural Truths: Channeling The Wisdom of Aldo Leopold

April 19, 2019

Aldo Leopold
Seventy years after A Sand County Almanac was published, what would 'the godfather of modern ecological thinking' say about battles over predators, recreation and environmental justice?
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Greater Yellowstoneans Know How To Co-Exist With The Icons Of Wildness

April 9, 2019

A grizzly in Yellowstone
First grizzly-human encounter reminds us of value of bear spray and the long odds of getting attacked
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Fewer Elk Counted This Year On Yellowstone's Famous Northern Range—But What Does It Mean?

April 5, 2019

It's been a trough winter for elk
Annual wapiti survey: apart from wolves and other wildlife meat eaters, a formidable predator is winter
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Tom Mangelsen’s Legacy Images Speak To A Life Shooting In The Wild

April 3, 2019

Thomas Mangelsen's "Catch of the Day"
Renowned Jackson Hole photographer inspires masses, including famous friends, to rally in defense of nature. His work now featured in national museum tour
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John Heyneman Returns To Home Range

April 1, 2019

The legendary Padlock Ranch
Wyoming rancher Heyneman, who grew up near Fishtail, Montana, has a personal family connection to the legendary Padlock Ranch and once left a big impression on Wallace Stegner
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Is American Prairie Reserve Taking The West Back To The Future?

March 25, 2019

A sign of unrest on the prairie?
With a grand vision for rewilding native species in eastern Montana, APR is spurring a huge debate over bison, private property rights, federalism and the survival of rural communities 
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Naturalist Says Outdoor Recreation Can Have Huge Impacts On Wildlife

March 20, 2019 // Outdoor Recreation, The New West, Wildlife

Bighorn Sheep in the Dubois Badlands
Mountain bikers and hikers with dogs can bring huge spatial intrusions into wildlife habitat
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Conservationists Sue To Halt Artificial Feeding At National Elk Refuge

March 18, 2019 // Chronic Wasting Disease, Ecosystem Protection, Wildlife

Elk on a feed line in Jackson Hole
With Chronic Wasting Disease likely already on refuge, action is claimed as necessary to prevent disastrous disease outbreak amongst America's most famous elk herd
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Some Call Her 'The Owl Whisperer'

March 18, 2019 // Art, Photography, Wildlife

Ashleigh Scully
Ashleigh Scully is a rising Millennial star in wildlife photography. Enjoy a Mountain Journal interview with the conservation-minded phenom
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In The Winter Of Life, Dreams Prepare Us For What May Come

March 14, 2019 // Community, Community Change

Thomas Cole's "The Voyage of Life—Old Age"
Getting old need not be a season of dread. As Timothy Tate says, it can be an opportunity to embrace who we are
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The Perils Of Going Along To Get Along

March 13, 2019 // Climate Change, Growth—Good, Bad & Ugly, Leadership, Outdoor Recreation, Politics, The New West, Wildlife

A bison in Yellowstone
What does it say about us when we have leaders who don't have the courage to act?
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