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Wyoming Keeps Falling Behind While Jackson Hole Thrives—Why?

October 17, 2019

Jackson Hole's success  is about more than the Tetons
Compared to her Rocky Mountain neighbors, the state is the only one losing people. Wyoming's leaders have some soul-searching to do
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If The Challenges Facing Jackson Hole Can't Be Fixed, Then What's The Fate Of Greater Yellowstone?

October 14, 2019

Looking northward toward the Tetons
Will "collaboration as usual" save America's most iconic ecosystem or it is time for new leaders touting a braver new vision?
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Standing Rock Reflections: What Is Progress?

October 6, 2019

Lois Red Elk and husband Dennis Reed
Lois Red Elk writes about protest and the tormented ghost of a soldier who helped take her homeland
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A Doctor Plumbs The Depths Of Ivan Doig's Illness And Asks: 'Did He Have An Epiphany?'

October 5, 2019

Ivan Doig taking notes at Fort Peck
Robert Patrick, a Doig fan and end-of-life-physician, writes of what he found in the famous author's journals
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Terminal Diagnosis: How Montana Writer Ivan Doig Coped With His Own End

October 5, 2019

Ivan Doig
Doig's spirit springs to life in the MSU Library Archives, revealing his literary triumphs, fears and what lay in his heart 
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Should Carrying Bear Spray Be Required For Big Game Hunters In Grizzly Country?

October 3, 2019

Grizzly on a carcass
Just as life vests are required for boaters and wearing orange for rifle hunters, Mike Bader says bear spray ought to be compulsory too
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National Flashpoint: The Gallatin Range Is Ground Zero For Americans Talking About Wilderness

September 30, 2019

The Gallatins represent critical wildness
History shows those pushing for mountain bikes in wilderness have no factual traction. Read this excerpt of Todd Burritt's book on Greater Yellowstone
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'Outside Ourselves' Should Be Read By Every Outdoor Recreationist

September 30, 2019

The Bridger Wilderness in Wyoming
Todd Burrit, former wilderness ranger, goes on a long wander in Greater Yellowstone and emerges as a protector
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Soliloquy For The Fall: Nature Is A Place Where Non-conformists Can Find Themselves

September 29, 2019

The Tetons with fall colors
Susan Marsh riffs eloquently on connecting to place, loss of place and what's worth saving. Are we in Greater Yellowstone listening?
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Americans Love Public Lands And Species Conservation But How Do We Pay For Them?

September 26, 2019

A bull elk in Yellowstone
Opinion: John Goodell says a new bill, "The Recovering America's Wildlife Act," offers a game-changing path forward. What you need to know
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Does The E-Bike Invasion Represent A Menace To Wildlife And Character Of Public Lands?

September 25, 2019
Larry Desjardin examines impact of Interior Department executive order opening gate for e-bikes in national parks, wildlife refuges and BLM lands. Are national forests next?
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Where Grizzlies Still Barely Hang On—In Their Own Yaak Time

September 23, 2019

Can humans leave any place alone?
For writer Rick Bass, dignity can be measured where nature is allowed to persist without impetuous interference. Another installment in our Sounds Of Silence series.
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Armed And Ready—For Safer Travel In Griz Country

September 23, 2019

When every second matters...
Danielle Oyler teaches people how to live and recreate smarter around places where bears live. How knowledgeable are you?
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Paying Forward Wildness In A World Consumed By Self-Interest

September 11, 2019

Bison yonder in the paint pots
Timothy Tate treks into the Yellowstone backcountry and ruminates on an ethic present in three generations
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