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Seek These Personal Adventures That Are Unlike Any Other

October 23, 2020

Want to go grizzly watching in Jackson Hole?
You don't have to travel around the world! MoJo's fundraising auction features extraordinary adventure experiences in Greater Yellowstone's wildlands that will create memories for a lifetime
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Soulé's Last Warning: We'll Never 'Develop Our Way' To Better Conservation Outcomes

August 30, 2020

Is this the kind of wildness we want?
The late Michael Soulé, godfather of conservation biology, offered this critique of 'New Conservation" and its consequences for regions like Greater Yellowstone
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Why Wilderness Matters More Than Your Desire To Take It

August 25, 2020

What's rarer: wild places or places to ride?
Patagonia publishes essay from BIKE Magazine contributing editor Michael Ferrentino on our perceived right to ride where we want. Hint: He dismisses it.
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A Showdown Over Elk In Paradise?

July 30, 2020

Worries over elk and disease in Paradise Valley
New report illuminates clash between ranchers and disease-carrying elk that has huge implications for a famous Montana valley, migrating wildlife and a scenic corridor to Yellowstone
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A Reckoning For John Muir and Teddy Too?

July 22, 2020

Theodore Roosevelt and John Muir in Yosemite
Head of Sierra Club calls out organization's towering co-founder as racist, says conservation movement needs to address harm it has caused to people of color
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'Unbroken Wilderness:' Big Sky And The Human Appetite For Consuming Wildness

May 15, 2020

Snow reveals landscape fragmentation at Big Sky
Big Sky is considered one of the biggest environmental challenges in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and its impacts are spilling into the wild Gallatins
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'Unbroken Wilderness:' Some Call The Porcupine And Buffalo Horn 'Holy Land'

May 14, 2020

High above the Buffalo Horn
As animal highways important to Yellowstone Park, Bart Koehler says they are also the Gallatins' beating wild heart—and deserve protection

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‘Unbroken Wilderness:’ The Quest To Save The Wild Gallatins

May 12, 2020

The Gallatins: wilder than most US national parks
For this American mountain range vital to Yellowstone's world-class wildlife, Bart Koehler reflects on why protecting it is one of the most important conservation issues in the West
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Chronic Wasting Disease: America's Homegrown Contagion That Lumbers On Four Hooves

April 12, 2020

Acronym for a series emerging zoosis (disease)
Forget, for a moment, Covid-19 and bats. Epidemiologists say we need to take seriously this wildlife version of Mad Cow rapidly spreading across the country. First in a new investigative series
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What Can Greater Yellowstone Learn From Africa? (Remembering Garth Owen-Smith 1944-2020)

April 11, 2020

From sport hunting iconic species to giving local communities ownership over wildlife, Namibia may do things that drive some American conservationists crazy, but it has slowed and reversed the decimation of wildlife
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Of God And Guns: How The Sagebrush Rebellion Turned Into A Hotbed Of Armed Modern Radicals

March 24, 2020

A cowboy petroglyph?
In this excerpt from Betsy Gaines Quammen's new book 'American Zion: Cliven Bundy, God & Public Lands in the West,' the author explores how Utah became the center of anti-federalism
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Yellowstone Always On His Mind

March 13, 2020

Yochim spent his last hours devoted to Yellowstone's protection
Until his last breath, former ranger, hiker and nature advocate Mike Yochim raced to finish a book aimed at protecting America's first national park
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Calling Nature Writers, Poets And Videographers

February 12, 2020

What do you have to say about Greater Yellowstone?
Layser creative writing and journalism fellowship offers $3500 to person who wants to tell Greater Yellowstone stories. Application deadline is March 11, 2020
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Experts Say The Magna Carta Of American Environmental Law Is Under Siege

January 12, 2020 // Conservation, Ecosystem Protection, EPA, Public Lands

A natural gas field in Wyoming
Special Report: The National Environmental Policy Act benefits the lives of all Americans every day. So why is the Trump Administration weakening It?
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