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Is Yellowstone Tourism Promotion Helping Or Hurting The Protection Of Wild Places and Wildlife?
March 29, 2022

In Mountain Journal's ongoing series on the topic of limits and our co-existence with Nature, we ponder how advertising, social media and travel writing are negatively impacting the places they tout
Read MoreGov. Lionheart? How Montana's Greg Gianforte Harvested A Yellowstone Cougar
March 3, 2022

The Montana governor's spokeswoman refused to answer questions after word spread of Greg Gianforte taking a cougar near the same place where he felled a Yellowstone wolf in a trap
Read MoreMontana Governor Dodged Accountability After He Shot Yellowstone Research Lion Out Of Tree
March 2, 2022

The governor's spokeswoman refused to do her job in answering questions after rumors spread of Greg Gianforte shooting a cougar near same place where he killed a Yellowstone wolf in a trap
Read MoreInterior Secretary Deb Haaland Speaks Up On Wolves, But Is It Enough?
February 8, 2022

Tribes, conservation groups, even former Fish and Wildlife Service director say she should emergency re-list wolves with federal protection. Why does she balk?
Read MoreProminent Scientists Push Back Against Delisting Grizzly Bears: Op-Ed
January 13, 2022

When it comes to assessing biological recovery of grizzlies, who is better informed—people who study wildlife for a living or governors and legislators who dislike grizzlies and wolves?
Read MoreSurrendering Nature To Politics: Are US National Parks In Retreat?
November 3, 2021

The triumph of cattle and farmers over elk in Point Reyes echoes the same public outrage involving wapiti, wolves and bison in Yellowstone, Grand Teton and Grand Canyon
Read MoreScientists Say Gianforte's Anti-Wolf, Anti-Grizzly Policies In Montana Have No Scientific Basis
October 2, 2021 // Wildlife, Wolves, Yellowstone

Prominent group of wildlife professionals with 1,500 years of experience condemn Montana's new laws targeting wolves. Already pups from popular Yellowstone wolf pack have been killed
Read MoreMontana Wolf Policies Are Destroying State's Reputation As Beacon For Wildlife Management
September 26, 2021 // Montana, Wolves

Seven respected former wildlife commissioners, all hunters, condemn Montana governor and lawmakers for their callous, unscientific promotion of wolf slaughter
Read MoreA Late Bloomer Writes Her Wild Heart
September 20, 2021 // Writing About Nature

With two memoirs and a new book of nature poetry under her belt, Carolyn Keith Hopper has come a long way from growing up in the hometown of Thoreau, Emerson and Hawthorne
Read MoreMontana Defiantly Puts Yellowstone Wolves In Its Crosshairs
September 9, 2021 // Montana, Wolves, Yellowstone

In unprecedented move, new hunting and trapping regulations would allow every wolf coming into state from America's first national park to be killed as a trophy
Read MoreLast Trek Of The Human Wolverine
August 17, 2021

Joe Gutkoski, a legendary American conservationist, has passed away. Is his style of relentless advocacy for wildlife and wild places the only hope Greater Yellowstone has for keeping its nature from being tamed?
Read MoreA Yellowstone Wolf-Watching Guide Wonders Aloud: What Century Are We Living In?
August 5, 2021

In this op-ed, Phil Knight says that given new laws in Montana and Idaho designed to decimate wolf numbers, it's time to restore federal protection for lobos
Read MoreListed Again: Greater Yellowstone Grizzlies Federally Protected And Won't Be Trophy Hunted
July 14, 2020

What the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals wrote in its high-profile ruling and what it means for the most iconic population of bears in the world
Read MoreRon Marlenee Was A Proud Burr In The Hiking Boots Of Environmentalists
April 30, 2020

The former Montana Congressman who died this week could be prickly but he delighted in delivering zingers and representing rural people
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