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A 'Dark Ages' Of Wildlife Management Descends On The West

March 11, 2021

The bad news for bears?
In MoJo's The Week That Is, Wilkinson and Sadler discuss how state legislators are setting back wildlife conservation for griz, wolves and other iconic animals
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Backward Thinking Targets Bears and Wolves

March 7, 2021 // OPINION: Op-ed

Bad old days for grizzlies?
Op-ed: Chris Servheen, longtime national head of grizzly recovery in Lower 48, says Montana, Idaho are degenerating into anti-predator hysteria.
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Should Park Landmarks Honor People of Infamy?

December 30, 2020

Ranger Peak in foreground, Mt. Doane in distance.
Gustavus Doane, who participated in Marias Massacre of more than 200 Blackfeet, has summits named after him in Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks
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Is High-Flying Bozeman, Montana Losing The Nature Of Its Place?

November 24, 2020

Does Bozeman have the courage to be different?
Analysis: Is this capital city of Greater Yellowstone, along with Gallatin County, becoming the poster children for how not to develop a wild corner of the American Serengeti?
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Listed Again: Greater Yellowstone Grizzlies Federally Protected And Won't Be Trophy Hunted

July 14, 2020

Griz 399: matriarch poster child for her species
What the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals wrote in its high-profile ruling and what it means for the most iconic population of bears in the world
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Griz Expert Says 'Mountain Bikes Are A Grave Threat To Bears'

May 26, 2020

A Greater Yellowstone grizzly
When it comes to safeguarding bears, scientists say wilderness-caliber lands, free of riders, are important to bruin persistence and that of other wildland species
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'Unbroken Wilderness:' Some Call The Porcupine And Buffalo Horn 'Holy Land'

May 14, 2020

High above the Buffalo Horn
As animal highways important to Yellowstone Park, Bart Koehler says they are also the Gallatins' beating wild heart—and deserve protection

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Are We Giving The Wild Gallatins The Visionary Protection They Really Deserve?

December 29, 2019

The Buffalo Horn drainage in the Wild Gallatins
By the wildlife they hold, the Gallatin Mountains are wilder than most national parks in the Lower 48. So why are the Forest Service and enviro groups balking at more extensive protections?
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In Home Land

November 28, 2019

Crow leaders in 1881
Long before the Absaroka-Beartooths became a federal wilderness and before Yellowstone was called 'wonderland,'  they were home ground to the Crow. An essay by Shane Doyle
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Does The E-Bike Invasion Represent A Menace To Wildlife And Character Of Public Lands?

September 25, 2019
Larry Desjardin examines impact of Interior Department executive order opening gate for e-bikes in national parks, wildlife refuges and BLM lands. Are national forests next?
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Armed And Ready—For Safer Travel In Griz Country

September 23, 2019

When every second matters...
Danielle Oyler teaches people how to live and recreate smarter around places where bears live. How knowledgeable are you?
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A Native Ponders The Irony Of 'Go Back Where You Came From'

July 21, 2019

Immigrant Christopher Columbus
Lois Red Elk, 500-generation Dakota/Lakota, writes about getting her 'Cobell check' and 500 years of injustice
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Big Guns Want 230,000 Acres Of Gallatins Near Yellowstone Protected As Wilderness

May 14, 2019

One wild corner of the Gallatin Range
Founder of Patagonia joins former U.S. Interior Secretary and dozens of eminent scientists who say capital "W" essential to safeguarding wildlife in core of Greater Yellowstone
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Reflections On The Fatal Grizzly Bear Mauling In Wyoming

September 19, 2018

A Greater Yellowstone grizzly
Hunting guide's death is tragic and circumstances surrounding it raise many questions. A look at the nature of human-bear incidents
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