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"We Care About the Environment": 10 Things This Millennial/Gen-Zer Wants You To Know

January 11, 2018 // Millennials/GenZ

Millennials/GenZers face a world more complicated to navigate than any previous generation in history.
Slackers R Not Us: MoJo Columnist Liam Diekmann says don't sell the Fin de Siè·cle generation short when it comes to caring
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Montana's Three Amigos Are Stars In Trump's Radical Anti-Environmental Agenda

January 9, 2018 // Public Lands

 Steve Daines, Ryan Zinke and Greg Gianforte
As the 2018 Outdoor Retailer Show opens in Denver, columnist Tim Crawford warns against giving away federal Western lands
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Speaking The Ancient Lexicon Of North America

January 1, 2018 // Culture

Salish cedar root basket, image courtesy Burke Museum (
In two poems for the new year, Lois Red Elk offers MoJo readers the chance to expand their human vocabulary
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Trading Away Wildness For Oil And Tax Breaks

December 26, 2017 // Opinion, Public Lands

Caribou in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
A respected Wyoming conservationist schools a U.S. senator after he votes to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to energy development
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Wenk: Tell People What They Need To Hear, Not What They Want To Hear

December 18, 2017 // Leadership, Yellowstone

Yellowstone Supt. Dan Wenk (photo courtesy National Park Service)
In speech at MSU, Yellowstone Park Supt. Dan Wenk issues a challenge saying time to save the ecosystem is now 
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The Killing Fields Await Yellowstone Bison Once Again In Montana

December 15, 2017 // Yellowstone

More than 10,000 Yellowstone bison have been killed based on a faulty premise. Like the worry over Chronic Wasting Disease, this controversy has connections to Wyoming's feedgrounds
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The Undeniable Value of Wolves, Bears, Lions And Coyotes In Battling Disease

December 11, 2017

Photo courtesy NPS / Jacob W. Frank
Part 4 in Mountain Journal's series on Chronic Wasting Disease and the threat it poses to America's wildest ecosystem. By killing predators, are states that still cling to Little Red Riding Hood shooting themselves in the foot?
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Everyone Has An Opinion About Government But Many Citizens Would Flunk Civics

December 11, 2017

In this provocative column by Susan Marsh, she wonders aloud: If citizens are so ignorant about lots of things, are we expecting too much in asking them to know and care about public lands, wildlife and nature?
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Making Teddy Roosevelt Mad Not Proud: Trump and Zinke Score A Witless Triumph In Utah

December 5, 2017

Zinke photo courtesy Gage Skidmore/flickr.  Trump photo courtesy Michael Vadon/Flickr
The U.S. President And His Interior Secretary Demonstrate A Clueless Understanding Of Economics Driving The New West.
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Bowing To The Silver King

November 28, 2017

The mighty  Megalops atlanticus
Mountain Journal's fly-fishing columnist Liam Diekmann carries the spirit of his patriarch in search of tarpon
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Is Greater Yellowstone Really Ready To Confront Its Future?

November 22, 2017 // Public Lands, Ranching, The New West

Photo courtesy Trust for Public Land
From concerns about population growth and climate change to wildlife diseases and rising levels of recreation, FutureWest hosts a symposium focused on the future of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
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Chronic Wasting Disease Strikes Montana And Continues Its March On Yellowstone

November 16, 2017 // Chronic Wasting Disease, Public Lands, Wildlife, Yellowstone

elk graph
Part 3 in Mountain Journal's ongoing series on Chronic Wasting Disease. With ultra-deadly CWD now in Montana wildlife for first time, critics say public officials are demonstrating irresponsibility by having no coordinated plan for confronting the disease
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The Land Is Big, We Are Small, The Potential Perils Many

November 10, 2017

"Avalanche Canyon" by Sue Cedarholm
Sometimes Art Puts The Scale Of People In Perspective. In Watercolor Diary, Sue Cedarholm Goes To Avalanche Canyon
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What Does It Take To Create A Conservationist?

November 6, 2017

Photo courtesy Michele Parent
Retired Forest Service Wilderness Manager Susan Marsh contemplates what inspires wilderness users to become wilderness protectors.
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