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Weakening Wilderness Act Is Antithetical To Principle Of Landmark Law

April 10, 2018

The author seeking wilderness
Writer Michael Dax says efforts by hardcore recreation user groups to undermine wilderness protection are self-serving and short-sighted
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What Would The Muries Say About Recreation, Conservation And Wildness?

April 10, 2018

Aldo Leopold and Olaus Murie
Martin Murie answered the question. The late son of Olaus and Mardy Murie penned this piece only a few months before he died in 2012.
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In Yellowstone Bison Controversy, Would 'Supervaccine' Be A Silver Bullet Solution?

April 9, 2018

Yellowstone superintendent Dan Wenk notes that slaughter of bison is really a battle over public land grass with livestock industry
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The Mighty Absaroka-Beartooth Is 40

April 9, 2018

The Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness towering over Yellowstone
In this two-part tribute, writer Ed Kemmick celebrates not only landmark wilderness in Greater Yellowstone but Lee Metcalf, the senator who made it happen
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Shifting Values: Are Funhog Towns 'Better' Than The Ones They're Replacing?

April 4, 2018

Composite photo by MoJo staff.  Biker photo courtesy Courtney Nash.  Large bear photo courtesy Wikimedia user Kallerna.  Cub photos courtesy Yellowstone NPS
Everybody wants to use the resources of Greater Yellowstone. But how are such uses benefitting wildlife and wild places that make our region world-renowned?
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Is Montana Being Guided Back To A Dickensian Future?

April 3, 2018

The high plains around Otter Creek, Montana
Goat rancher Alexis Bonogofsky pens a letter to Montana's secretary of state 'congratulating' him for his position on coal
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A MoJo Short Story Video: Are Elk Or Yellowstone Bison The Real Disease Threat?

April 3, 2018

Yellowstone Superintendent says science proves park buffalo are not the menaces Montana portrays them to be
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A Patriot Finds Peace In The West

April 3, 2018

Former soldier Todd Johnson on a hike through Bighorn Canyon
MoJo columnist Todd Johnson, a combat veteran-turned-Park-Service ranger, salutes the stewards of public lands
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When The Meadowlark Sings Oiyokipi Omaka Teca

April 2, 2018

For Lois Red Elk and other prairie dwellers, springtime means 'Take joy, the world is made anew'
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The Desert Wears Its Spring Bonnet

April 1, 2018

Although superbloom isn't likely this year in the Mojave, our man in the Great Basin offers this report
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Of Young Men And Reform School

April 1, 2018

Corrections officials chat behind the fence at Pine Hills.
In this age of firearm proliferation, how do we stop tragedy and who decides if a troubled teen can be healed?
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Plummeting Morale In The Forest Service: Why It Should Matter To Americans Who Love Nature

March 27, 2018

The Bridger-Teton National Forest.  Image courtesy imgur user Show Us Your Togwotee
Another tour de force piece from Susan Marsh on a once proud federal public land agency
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Roar: Random Musings From A Montana Hook And Bullet Conservationist—Part I

March 26, 2018

A stuffed African lion and Nile crocodile
MoJo columnist T. H. Crawford, lifelong hunter and African safarian, shares thoughts on Trump Administration's International Wildlife Conservation Council
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Crossing The Finish Line: Sue Cedarholm Finds A Year of Grounding In Natural Moments

March 25, 2018

Sue Cedarholm's last painting
For 365 days, the Jackson Hole artist painted one new watercolor every day. This is what she learned
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