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Public Health Official: Chronic Wasting Disease Seems Bound To Infect People

March 6, 2019 // Chronic Wasting Disease, Hunting, Jackson Hole, Wildlife

Thousands of wapiti at National Elk Refuge
"CWD is gonna be a helluva wildlife problem even if disease doesn't reach livestock and humans," Osterholm says. He criticizes Wyoming for continuing to operate controversial elk feedgrounds
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The Artful Angler

January 23, 2019

Mike Gurnett and giant fly
Life after government: Mike Gurnett celebrates wildlife in metal after being a spokesman for the natural world         
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A Death Of Ethics: Is Hunting Destroying Itself?

December 12, 2018 // Hunting, Wildlife

Coyote taken in Wyoming hunt
From killing baboon families to staging predator-killing contests, hunters stand accused of violating the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation. Now they’re being called out by their own.
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Chronic Wasting Disease Hits Mule Deer In Grand Teton National Park

November 21, 2018

A deer buck infected with CWD
Dreaded deadly pathogen now literally among Jackson Hole's famous elk herds as thousands of wapiti arrive in valley for winter
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Dems Winning House Means Major Pushback To Trump's Anti-Environment, Anti-Science Agenda

November 7, 2018

Still, the Democratic National Committee remains clueless in dealing with rural West and heartland
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Did Two Montana Politicians Get Lost In Their Search For 'Honest Truth' With Public Land?

November 4, 2018

  Matt Rosendale's tweet
In their Paradise Valley photo op, Steve Daines and Senate hopeful Matt Rosendale appear to have trouble knowing the difference between private and public tracts
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TR IV: Meet A Real Theodore Roosevelt Conservationist

August 12, 2018 // Conservation, Leadership, Ryan Zinke, Wildlife

Teddy, Ted and Ryan
Great grandson of 'the old lion' calls moderate Republicans 'an endangered species'
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Yellowstone's New Chief Breaks The Silence

July 17, 2018 // Hunting, Leadership, Wildlife, Yellowstone

Cameron Sholly
In a Mountain Journal exclusive, Cameron Sholly talks Dan Wenk, Ryan Zinke's controversial moves and taking the helm of America's oldest national park
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Ryan Zinke Scores A Pyrrhic Victory In Yellowstone

June 14, 2018

Ryan Zinke at Yellowstone's doorstep
After ousting Dan Wenk over bison, Interior Secretary now must decide: will he stand behind his controversial National Park Service Director?
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A Daughter's Ritual To Make Peace With Her Mother's Death

May 7, 2018

Fire has always been part of human ritual
After losing her elder to dementia, this client of Timothy Tate finds relief in dreams and fire
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The Dakota/Lakota Don't Wait For Godot, Instead They Have Hawks

May 2, 2018

Photo courtesy Mike Baird
Poet Lois Red Elk writes about avian messengers
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Zinke’s Meddling With National Parks Reveals His (Lack Of) Character

May 1, 2018

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke
Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke's latest controversial action could claim Yellowstone superintendent as a casualty
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Lee Metcalf: Remembering Montana's Firebrand

April 12, 2018

Montana's Lee Metcalf stood tall with giants
Mike Mansfield called Metcalf the state's greatest senator. In part 2 of Ed Kemmick's series, he also stood out as a no-apology conservationist
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Weakening Wilderness Act Is Antithetical To Principle Of Landmark Law

April 10, 2018

The author seeking wilderness
Writer Michael Dax says efforts by hardcore recreation user groups to undermine wilderness protection are self-serving and short-sighted
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