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In Home Land

November 28, 2019

Crow leaders in 1881
Long before the Absaroka-Beartooths became a federal wilderness and before Yellowstone was called 'wonderland,'  they were home ground to the Crow. An essay by Shane Doyle
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If The Challenges Facing Jackson Hole Can't Be Fixed, Then What's The Fate Of Greater Yellowstone?

October 14, 2019

Looking northward toward the Tetons
Will "collaboration as usual" save America's most iconic ecosystem or it is time for new leaders touting a braver new vision?
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National Flashpoint: The Gallatin Range Is Ground Zero For Americans Talking About Wilderness

September 30, 2019

The Gallatins represent critical wildness
History shows those pushing for mountain bikes in wilderness have no factual traction. Read this excerpt of Todd Burritt's book on Greater Yellowstone
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'Outside Ourselves' Should Be Read By Every Outdoor Recreationist

September 30, 2019

The Bridger Wilderness in Wyoming
Todd Burrit, former wilderness ranger, goes on a long wander in Greater Yellowstone and emerges as a protector
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Does The E-Bike Invasion Represent A Menace To Wildlife And Character Of Public Lands?

September 25, 2019
Larry Desjardin examines impact of Interior Department executive order opening gate for e-bikes in national parks, wildlife refuges and BLM lands. Are national forests next?
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My Yellowstone Mauling And Mountaintop Rescue: An Exclusive Excerpt

September 2, 2019

Barrie Gilbert
In his new memoir, 'One of Us,' bear biologist Barrie Gilbert recounts his own brutal grizzly attack and the reasons behind his passion for large landscape conservation
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Peace Of Mind Along The Slow, Plodding Path

July 23, 2019

What more do you see at slow speed?
How trail therapy delivers a perfect dose of meaning
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We Need Wilderness With No Apologies And No Regrets

July 4, 2019

The still-wild Gallatin Mountains
A veteran of the American Wilderness movement says the debate over protecting the Gallatin Mountain Range near Yellowstone should not be a means for rationalizing further loss of wildlands
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Collapse Of Salmon And Steelhead A Dam Shame

May 30, 2019

Ice Harbor Dam on the Snake
As Tom France writes, Congressman Mike Simpson of Idaho emerges as an unlikely hero and he believes it's time to act
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Carrying The Banner For Wilderness

May 10, 2019

The Palisades Wilderness Study Area
Wyoming Wilderness Association turns 40 and four dynamic young women are reinvigorating the wilderness spirit when so much is on the line in Greater Yellowstone
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To Go—And Perish—Where Others Fear To Tread

April 22, 2019

MoJo columnist Timothy Tate, a psychotherapist and consultant to The North Face adventure team, examines why some court risk and others get exhilaration by watching others take chances
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Tom Mangelsen’s Legacy Images Speak To A Life Shooting In The Wild

April 3, 2019

Thomas Mangelsen's "Catch of the Day"
Renowned Jackson Hole photographer inspires masses, including famous friends, to rally in defense of nature. His work now featured in national museum tour
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Public Health Official: Chronic Wasting Disease Seems Bound To Infect People

March 6, 2019 // Chronic Wasting Disease, Hunting, Jackson Hole, Wildlife

Thousands of wapiti at National Elk Refuge
"CWD is gonna be a helluva wildlife problem even if disease doesn't reach livestock and humans," Osterholm says. He criticizes Wyoming for continuing to operate controversial elk feedgrounds
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Why More Heat Means The End Of The Predictable World As We Know It

February 13, 2019

Warming is being hastened by feedback loops
By not confronting the causes of climate change, we're setting ourselves up for huge economic and ecological impacts. A comprehensive analysis by Lance Olsen on this and the Green New Deal
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