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Prominent Scientists Push Back Against Delisting Grizzly Bears: Op-Ed

January 13, 2022

Grizzly 399 and one of her recent cubs
When it comes to assessing biological recovery of grizzlies, who is better informed—people who study wildlife for a living or governors and legislators who dislike grizzlies and wolves?
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The Strength Of Great Trees Is Grounded In Deep Roots

January 9, 2022

An old cottonwood reflected in the water
Poet Lois Red Elk reminds that the obvious things we savor about place, wildlife and community have deeper underpinnings in the earth
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What Is Wilderness Without Its Wolves?

January 9, 2022

Does anything more signify wilderness than a wolf howl?
The ecological importance of wolves is irrefutable. In this op-ed, MoJo columnist Franz Camenzind asks why are wolves facing eradication campaigns in federal Wilderness where the health of native species takes priority?
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Hopeful Words Won't Save Us Without Action

January 1, 2022

How can we make 2022 a year to save what matters to us?
As Susan Marsh looks into 2022 and ponders the many challenges to Greater Yellowstone, she says Nature needs allies defending her, not hollow resolutions 
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The Climber-Conservationist Who Literally Put Greater Yellowstone On The Map

December 28, 2021

Rick Reese atop Mount Moran
As advocates for the Yellowstone region go, Rick Reese ranks right up there with the most impactful of all time. His legacy is written in the abundant wildlife and healthy landscapes we value today
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A Seat-Of-The-Pants Cartoon Ripped From The Headlines

December 26, 2021

Scoop lands another story for prime time news
When it comes to wildlife conflict, John Potter asks, why do animals often get blamed for human misbehavior?
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'Gunfight' Is One Of The Most Important Books You May Ever Read About Guns In America

December 22, 2021

What Ryan Busse loves to do when he's not writing
Ryan Busse, a Montana hunter, was once a gun industry executive who helped create the uncivil war over firearms in America. Now he's trying to change the discourse before it's too late
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He Went Outside To Go Inward

December 20, 2021

Professor Creek and Mary Jane Canyon
In 'Mary Jane Wild,' Brooke Williams seeks wildness in the West to help him make sense of a world coming apart at the seams. It's a fine read for these times
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At Winter Solstice: Deep Dreaming of Pte and Tatanka

December 16, 2021

Deep dreaming of bison has happened for millennia on different continents
As Lois Red Elk writes in a new poem, we are an expression of all our ancestors. We can honor them by remembering them—and reaching out in our dreams
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Powder Daze: Where Bighorns No Longer Wander

December 15, 2021

Bomb's away: More than climate is changing
Cartoonist John Potter says in many parts of the backcountry, any 'balance' between the desires of outdoor recreationists and the needs of sensitive wildlife is out of whack
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'A Life Lived Wild: Adventures at the Edge of the Map' Is A Great Read

December 14, 2021

From exploring wildlands to saving them, Ridgeway continues his own evolution
Rick Ridgeway has been called 'the real Indiana Jones' for his gravity-defying daring, breathtaking photos and yen to be outdoors. Now his priority is saving what's left of our wild home planet
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Meet a Conservation Group That Goes Where Most Fear To Tread

December 8, 2021

A moose that died trying to cross a road in Jackson Hole
The Jackson Hole Conservation Alliance dares to say the two words that often make land protectionists run for the hills: "planning" and "zoning."  But they're crucial to saving the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
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Eruption: How Human Development Is Degrading The American Serengeti

December 5, 2021

Big Sky and what used to be wild Montana
Big blowups: Stunning visuals from Google Earth show how private land development and resource extraction on public lands are harming wildlife in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
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Celebrating Our Extended Earthly Families

November 25, 2021

It goes way beyond DNA
There is kinship in everything around us, if only we open our eyes, cartoonist John Potter reminds
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