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Soulé's Last Warning: We'll Never 'Develop Our Way' To Better Conservation Outcomes

August 30, 2020

Is this the kind of wildness we want?
The late Michael Soulé, godfather of conservation biology, offered this critique of 'New Conservation" and its consequences for regions like Greater Yellowstone
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Why Wilderness Matters More Than Your Desire To Take It

August 25, 2020

What's rarer: wild places or places to ride?
Patagonia publishes essay from BIKE Magazine contributing editor Michael Ferrentino on our perceived right to ride where we want. Hint: He dismisses it.
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What Does 'Last Best Place' Mean in 2020?

August 20, 2020

How should we deal with loss of place?
Timothy Tate suspects that the famed phrase, coined for Montana by Bill Kittredge and Annick Smith, stands for values now under siege
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Will Washington State Be Next To Ban Wildlife Killing Contests?

August 17, 2020

Coyote derbies award prizes to those who shoot the most
In this op-ed, two sportsmen and conservationists condemn the controversial hunting practice of awarding prizes to those who kill the most animals for fun
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How Social Media And Bad Behavior Are Leaving Wild Places Trashed

August 13, 2020

Delta Lake in the Tetons is a victim of Covid-19
What has the Covid age spawned? While problems exist in all corners of public land West, naturalist Susan Marsh looks at impacts in Jackson Hole
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The Question That None Of Greater Yellowstone's Conservation Groups Are Willing To Confront

August 7, 2020

Wildlife is what sets the region apart globally
How is industrial-strength outdoor recreation and amenity development better than resource extraction it is replacing?
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Class Assignment: Building An Island Community Capable Of Thriving Amid Climate Change

August 2, 2020

No place an island refuge unto itself?
Mountain Journal intern Lorea Zabaleta was given this task as a college student. And it prompted her to reflect in this op-ed on challenges facing her native Greater Yellowstone
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A Showdown Over Elk In Paradise?

July 30, 2020

Worries over elk and disease in Paradise Valley
New report illuminates clash between ranchers and disease-carrying elk that has huge implications for a famous Montana valley, migrating wildlife and a scenic corridor to Yellowstone
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Diekmann To Take Reins Of Yellowstone Forever

July 28, 2020

Lisa Diekmann tapped to lead for second time
Longtime resident of Bozeman has deep experience in philanthropy, is former leader of parks organization, and devoted to conservation of Yellowstone ecosystem. Hopes to re-open Yellowstone Institute
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A Reckoning For John Muir and Teddy Too?

July 22, 2020

Theodore Roosevelt and John Muir in Yosemite
Head of Sierra Club calls out organization's towering co-founder as racist, says conservation movement needs to address harm it has caused to people of color
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Here Comes The Sun

July 21, 2020

Dancers looking into the sun
For people of the prairie, as poet Lois Red Elk reminds, summer is a time of togetherness, prayer and gratitude
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Opinion: The Lie—And Shame—Of 'Wildlife Management' In Alaska

July 21, 2020

A black bear with a salmon dinner in Alaska
Renowned nature writer Bill Sherwonit calls out Alaska's push to allegedly bolster big game herds by allowing the killing of bears and wolves, including cubs and pups, in their dens
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Chasing The Dream: When Opportunity Arrives, Trying Not To Choke

July 16, 2020

Prugh aims and fires
Eddy Prugh was a soccer phenom in Bozeman, Montana. Then, on the way home from playing in Bolivia, two emails gave him butterflies in the gut
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Listed Again: Greater Yellowstone Grizzlies Federally Protected And Won't Be Trophy Hunted

July 14, 2020

Griz 399: matriarch poster child for her species
What the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals wrote in its high-profile ruling and what it means for the most iconic population of bears in the world
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