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Running Through A Human-Framed Masterpiece

December 3, 2018

Bison at Ted Turner's Flying D Ranch
A student tries to make sense of Ted Turner's attempt to restore wildness and ponders the role of bison and beaver as keystone species
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Teddy Loved NoDak: Land Of Prairie Light, Space And Multitudes Of Migrating Avians

December 3, 2018

North Dakota's western broken prairie
Before the Bakken made fortunes and a mess of the landscape, Jackson Hole naturalist Susan Marsh discovered a different kind of majesty
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The Golf Course Grizzly: First Hope Of Biological Connectivity For Bruins?

November 27, 2018

A grizzly in the northern Rockies
Scientists have long supposed grizzly populations between ecosystems might link up. David Stalling wonders when it will happen.
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Chronic Wasting Disease Hits Mule Deer In Grand Teton National Park

November 21, 2018

A deer buck infected with CWD
Dreaded deadly pathogen now literally among Jackson Hole's famous elk herds as thousands of wapiti arrive in valley for winter
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Late Autumn Harbingers: When The Sorrel Sunka Wakan Approaches

November 14, 2018

Sorrel horse by Medicine Bear
In the ancient elder tradition, Lois Red Elk tells stories of her grandmother.  Her poems lead us to a deeper reflection on the missing and departed women in Indian Country.
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The Drone That Stalked A Bear Cub And Nearly Pushed It Over The Edge

November 14, 2018

Two bears climb a perilous snow snowfield
In a harrowing nature video that went viral, there's an unethical story behind the narrative
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At 50, Has The Inspiring Spirit Of The Wild And Scenic Rivers Act Been Forgotten?

November 13, 2018

Ansel Adams' famous portrait of the Snake River
Susan Marsh says Greater Yellowstone is a fount of wild American rivers—and trails— yet many citizens treat them only with greed or indifference
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Steve Bullock: When You Lose Rural Hospitals, Communities Die

November 9, 2018

Montana Gov. Steve Bullock
Montana's democratic governor, who could contend for The White House, addresses the recent election and issues facing the rural West
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Dems Winning House Means Major Pushback To Trump's Anti-Environment, Anti-Science Agenda

November 7, 2018

Still, the Democratic National Committee remains clueless in dealing with rural West and heartland
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Did Two Montana Politicians Get Lost In Their Search For 'Honest Truth' With Public Land?

November 4, 2018

  Matt Rosendale's tweet
In their Paradise Valley photo op, Steve Daines and Senate hopeful Matt Rosendale appear to have trouble knowing the difference between private and public tracts
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Every Mountain Town Has Local Versions of Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford

November 4, 2018 // Civil Society, Community, Community Change, Culture

Christine Blasey Ford
When we talk of justice, Timothy Tate the psychotherapist wonders about the message sent to American daughters
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Stacking The Deck? House Democrats Say GOP Giving Industry Too Much Influence On Capitol Hill

November 1, 2018 // Climate Change, Congress, Politics, Science

Rob Bishop chairs the House Natural Resource Committee
New report says fossil fuel interests dominate hearings on issues affecting American West
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Of Moose, Climate Change And Feckless Politicians

November 1, 2018 // Climate Change

A rare moose in Hayden Valley
MoJo columnist Tim Crawford says true leaders say what we need to know, even if we don't want to hear it. And we need to elect them.
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A Search And Rescue In The Mountains Turns Up Something Far More Profound

October 25, 2018 // Growth—Good, Bad & Ugly

Seek and you will find the truth
MoJo's resident first responder Steve Primm didn't find the phantom victim; he stared into a problem created by growth
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