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Are America's Greatest Wildlife Migrations Being Sacrificed To Fossil Fuels?

April 14, 2020

Pronghorn on the move for survival
Writer and ecologist Franz Camenzind investigates why some of Greater Yellowstone's biggest animal wonders are imperiled. Part 1 in an ongoing series Epic Journeys—Views from the Front Lines of America's Greatest Wildlife Migrations
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Chronic Wasting Disease: America's Homegrown Contagion That Lumbers On Four Hooves

April 12, 2020

Acronym for a series emerging zoosis (disease)
Forget, for a moment, Covid-19 and bats. Epidemiologists say we need to take seriously this wildlife version of Mad Cow rapidly spreading across the country. First in a new investigative series
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What Can Greater Yellowstone Learn From Africa? (Remembering Garth Owen-Smith 1944-2020)

April 11, 2020

From sport hunting iconic species to giving local communities ownership over wildlife, Namibia may do things that drive some American conservationists crazy, but it has slowed and reversed the decimation of wildlife
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The Spirit World Is Never Apart

April 7, 2020

Red Elk: count your natural blessings
How does poet Lois Red Elk find grounding in challenging times? By honoring the soulful sustenance of the creator's gifts
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Ammon Bundy Claims Covid-19 Safety Guidelines Exploited By Government To Attain More Power

April 5, 2020

Like father, like son: Cliven and Ammon Bundy
Betsy Gaines Quammen wrote a book about the Bundys. In Part 2 of an interview with Rebecca Watters, she discusses militants, the search for truth and conservation-minded Mormons
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When The War Finally Comes (to America's First National Park)

April 4, 2020

A bison trying to survive winter in Yellowstone
Ready for survivalism, are you? Yellowstone winterkeeper Steven Fuller indelicately dismantles the End-Times fantasy. There is no place humans can run to escape ourselves
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Coronavirus On The Doorstep: The Pandemic Reaches America’s Isolated Flyover

April 2, 2020

Doctor from another time fighting a pandemic
In a real-life potboiler, Sarah DeOpsomer pens a personal journal about Covid-19's arrival in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and waiting for her own (positive) test results to come in
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The West In A Time Of Conflict: The Bundys, Public Lands And Covid-19

March 30, 2020

Cliven Bundy
Mountain Journal columnist Rebecca Watters interviews Betsy Gaines Quammen about her new book 'American Zion'
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How Can 'We' Better Live In Panic-Stricken Times?

March 28, 2020

Words at Story Mill Park in Bozeman
It's normal to feel stressed out and alone, so what can we do about it? Timothy Tate, Bozeman psychotherapist, shares a few thoughts about creating the transformation we need
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Tom Brokaw Says More Than Ever We Need A National Leader

March 25, 2020

How would FDR address nation about coronavirus?
Legendary NBC newsman and longtime Greater Yellowstone resident reflects on values of 'The Greatest Generation'
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Of God And Guns: How The Sagebrush Rebellion Turned Into A Hotbed Of Armed Modern Radicals

March 24, 2020

A cowboy petroglyph?
In this excerpt from Betsy Gaines Quammen's new book 'American Zion: Cliven Bundy, God & Public Lands in the West,' the author explores how Utah became the center of anti-federalism
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With 'Cold Country' A New Writing Star Is Born

March 24, 2020

Is 'Cold Country' headed to the big screen?
Behind the pages: Charlie Denison interviews Montana writer Russell Rowland about a novel set in Paradise Valley
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Does Interior Secretary David Bernhardt Not Understand Coronavirus Threat?

March 23, 2020

Wolf and grizzly watchers in Yellowstone
Critics condemn Trump's top public land cabinet minister for telling people to visit Yellowstone and other parks during a pandemic. UPDATE: Yellowstone and Grand Teton closed Tuesday, March 24 until further notice
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How I Survived Two Consecutive Avalanches

March 22, 2020

 Rescuers in the first moments of reaching Ken Scott
Buried for more than an hour and resigned to the worst, a skier recounts his dramatic rescue. It's a tale especially important for those headed into the backcountry
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