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Actually, Most Americans Support The Endangered Species Act

August 28, 2019

Despite claims by the Trump Administration and some politicians that the public desperately wanted the ESA reformed, that isn't what citizens say in surveys
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Mike Yochim Literally Writes This Love Letter To Yellowstone With His Eyes

August 27, 2019

Michael Yochim
Stricken with ALS—aka Lou Gehrig's Disease—author of new book on Yellowstone gives MoJo interview to talk about park and stories that need telling
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Ultra-lethal 'Cyanide Bombs' Used To Kill Public Wildlife Banned For Now In Wyoming

August 20, 2019

A deadly M-44 'cyanide bomb'
Despite coming under increasing pressure, EPA remains noncommittal to abolishing deadly M-44s used to kill predators that eat livestock on public land
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Once Proud Forest Service Poised To Help Gut NEPA

August 19, 2019

A landmark law is under attack
Instead of a improving a landmark environmental law, changes appear designed to flout environmental standards, says award-winning former Forest Service veteran
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Putting Pendley In Charge Of BLM Reveals Trump's True Radical Agenda For The West?

August 19, 2019

Pendley takes over BLM
Columnist Tim Crawford says if you worried about former Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, Pendley is more frightening
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Nature Helps Kids Have Compassion For The World

August 13, 2019

Having a civil society starts with empathy
In a time of rising social anxiety and mass violence, empathy seems in short supply. Exposure to wild places can revive it
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Are Montana And Neighboring States Doing Enough To Protect Their Natural Assets?

August 12, 2019

Maintaining healthy wildlands require investment
A leading business entrepreneur says investment necessary to maintain healthy outdoor economy, wildlife in northern Rockies and high quality of life
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Social Media: Harnessing The Digital Human Ecosystem To Protect Nature

August 7, 2019

 A Yellowstone warning circulated on social media
MoJo summer intern Jordan Payne explores the multiple ways, for good and bad, that social media is affecting the way we interface with the wild outdoors
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On Solitude

July 31, 2019

Embracing nature on one's own authentic terms
A young woman of color in the West craves her connections to nature but struggles with the fact it doesn't always feel safe
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When Cultures Collide

July 30, 2019

Do you know what happened here?
From the Battle of Pierre's Hole to a debate over an offensive high school mascot, Teton Valley is a perfect place for historical reflection
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Stopping A Yellowstone Hetch-Hetchy: When Private Interests Nearly Put Parts Of America's First National Park Under Water

July 28, 2019

Yellowstone Lake, site of a defeated dam
In this excerpt from John Taliaferro's new book on George Bird Grinnell, local efforts to exploit Yellowstone remind us again that past is prelude
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Peace Of Mind Along The Slow, Plodding Path

July 23, 2019

What more do you see at slow speed?
How trail therapy delivers a perfect dose of meaning
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Why A Group In Jackson Hole, Devoted To Unbridled Adventure, Conservation And Diversity, Is Under Fire

July 23, 2019

Do we consume nature to protect it?
SHIFT can still have real impact but only if it is willing to shift itself 
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George Bird Grinnell: His Impact As "The Father of American Conservation" Written Across Today's West

July 22, 2019

Taliaferro's great new book on Grinnell
John Taliaferro's "Grinnell: America's Environmental Pioneer and His Restless Drive to Save the West" is epic, entertaining and important
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